Author: C D Narasimhaiah
Publisher: Vision/Orient paperbacks
Year: 1999
Language: English
Pages: 295
ISBN/UPC (if available): 8170943388
For the discriminating reader, this work is an incomparable critical study of Indian English literature, offering both a qualitative perspective and a measuring rod at a time of great growth in the output of Indian writing in English.
This book covers in its compass poetry, autobiography, novel, drama, and criticism. It turns the spotlight on the 'poetic genius of Toru Dutt and Aurobindo, the imaginative prose of Vivekananda and Jawaharlal Nehru and the three senior novelists - Mulk Raj Anand, R K Narayan and Raja Rao - together with the precise nature of their contribution'. Author's provocative assessment of some of today's much-publicized Indian novelists, Rushdie, Vikram Seth, Arundhati Roy is forcefully argued. So, too, his views on contemporary Indian poetry in English - 'so few of these poets have made any difference to the quality of our living'.
For decades now, C D Narasimhaiah has laid the standard for critical study of Indian writing in English, Coolly, soberly, and with detachment from the excitement of the moment, has sought to evaluate the work of India's authors in English. Along with the pioneering writers themselves, CDN, as Professor Narasimhaish is popularly known, has made a signal contribution in establishing Indian English writing, not only as an academic discipline in the universities but also as one of the country's own literatures.
Foreword / Preface: to the Second Edition / Third Edition / Introduction
Towards an Understanding of the Species Called Indian writing in English
Tradition and Experiment: The Poets - Sarojini Naidu, Toru Dutt, Arurobindo and After
A Tongue of Flame: The Speeches and Writings of Swami Vivekananda
The Ambivalence of Jawaharlal Nehru's Scientific Humanism
Jawaharlal Nehru and Nirad Chaudhuri as Writers of Autobiography
The Rise of the Indian Novel
Mulk Raj Anand: The Novel of Human Centrality
RK K Narayan: The Comic as a Mode of Study in Maturity
Raja Rao: The Metaphysical Novel - The Serpent and the Rope - and its Significance for our age.
Spurious Reputations: Salman Rushdie, Vikram Seth, Shashi Tharoor and Arundhati Roy
Drama as a Form of Art and Theatre
An Introduction to Indian Criticism
Aurobindo: Inaugurator of Modern Indian Criticism