Author: Shailendra Bhartti
Translator(s)/ Editors(s): Dr Brahmshankar Pandit Vyas/Chintamani Gore et al
Publisher: Vale Music
Year: 2009
Language: multilingual
Pages: N/A
ISBN/UPC (if available): VEL-SET-H011
This album carries following tracks:
CHAPTER 1 to 5
The Bhagvad Gita is the Word of God to Man. It was uttered by Lord Krishna, the greatest Incarnation of God, to Arjuna, the great warrior: Anybody who comes within earshot of God, to Arjuna, the great warrior. Any body who comes within earshot of this divine word, uttered with devotion in this album, is purified. Those who hear its recitation regularly are filled with all the divine blessings of God. Those who follow its teachings attain everlasting peace and enjoy eternal happiness.
CD - 2
CHAPTER 6 to 13
The most powerful thoughts that lift man to the heights of divinity and greatness are presented in the Bhagvad Gita in the clearest and most sublime terms. Recited with devotion in the traditional manner, these vibrant verses endow man with the strength to attain his divine destiny. Duty, devotion and divinity become the name of the man who hearkens to the word of Lord Krishna that vibrates in this album.
CD - 3
CHAPTER 14 to 18
Unfailing in giving divine inspiration, the Bhagvad Gita is the sun of spiritual illumination to mankind. It drives away all the smallness in man, and invests his heart with the grand vision of a life in god. The verse of the Gita, recited in the traditional way here, are the clarion call of Lord Krishna Himself to the Life Divine.