Author: Daryai Lal Kapur
Publisher: Radha Soami Satsang Beas
Year: 2005
Language: English
Pages: 254
ISBN/UPC (if available): 9788182560895
Call of the Great Master is an engrossing and lucid presentation of Sant Mat, the teachings of saints, as set forth by mystics past and present. The book is the result of the author's long association with Maharaj Sawan Singh (1858-1948), lovingly called the Great Master by his disciples. The author has the privilege of being close to the Great Master for a period of almost forty years, during which time he has several occasions to be present at the Master's meetings with disciples and seekers.
The book brings out vividly the truth that every person is potentially God. However feeble a person's powers may be at the present time, at root he is God. Baffling questions on God, soul, mind and human life - questions which confront every intelligent and thoughtful person - find easy answers.
Here is a masterly exposition of various subjects, taken for the most part from the actual words of the Great Master himself. The author had the rare opportunity of listening to the versatile exposition of many aspects of spirituality as practiced and preached by various schools of thought, and recorded them for our benefit.
The book deals in abundant detail with Sant Mat (the path of the saints) vis-à-vis the other philosophical and esoteric approaches to the Truth.
Preface to the Eleventh Edition
Preface to the First Edition
The Call
How the Call Came
What the Portrait Does not Tell
A Short Biography of the Great Master
The Essence of the Great Master's Teachings
The Talk Begins
A Satsang
The Master
Spiritual Exercises of Sant Mat
This Could be the Last Chapter
The Talks Go On
On the Divine Word
A Sinner and the Master
Methods Adopted for Salvation
The Talks Cease
The End
The Making of the Will
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