Author: Swami Ramdev
Editor(s): Vaidyaraj Acharya Balkrishan
Publisher: Diamond
Year: 2005
Language: English
Pages: 110
ISBN/UPC (if available): 8189235249
The Modern science of medicine - Allopathic system - has failed to cure a number of diseases of the present times. In spite of scientific researches, treatment of many diseases has failed to bear any fruit and such diseases are, therefore, being considered as incurable. The methods of treatment developed so far, only take care of the manifested symptoms like pain etc. They do not root out the original disease.
In respect of those diseases which are considered incurable in the modern medical system, the ancient sages had prescribed successful treatment. In line with the treatment of those sages, deep study of the classics, and works related to upliftment, development and researches in the field of Ayurveda are progressing.
This book is a repertoire of proven miraculous ayurvedic remedies developed through these researches.
Ayurveda is not only a science of medicines, but also a theory of living a life with awareness. That is why Maharsi Caraka Says:
Trayopastambha ahara-nidra-brahmacrarya iti !!
There are three factors supporting life viz intake of food, sleep and observance of brahmarcarya (which includes control of senses and spiritual bliss conducive to the knowledge of Brahman).
Our body is a mirror of our food and thoughts. So, one should always lead his life being physically fit and happy by observing brahmarcarya (celibacy) which is our original nature, and is necessary for a health associated with consciousness.
REV SWAMI RAMDEV, a celibate since childhood, is well-versed in Sanskrit Grammar, Ayurved and Vedic Philosophy. A strong proponent of Indian cultural values, his practical approach to Yog, research in the field of Ayurved and services in the field of co-breeding, have won him several thousands of followers throughout India and made him a living symbol of Indian culture. His detachment from worldly happiness and devotion to social service has made him a phenomenal character in the saintly world.
Most amiable in nature and affectionate in attitude, Swami combines in himself, qualities of great learning. His extreme modesty and loving nature have won Swamiji a great multitude of followers. In a short period of about 6 or 7 years, Swamiji has acquired phenomenal success in all the activities undertaken by him and has become a source of constant and unfailing inspiration for all of us who have the good fortune of knowing and associating with him.
Self-Experienced (Patent) Medicines
Classical Medicines
Self-Experienced Treatment for Some Diseases
Miraculous Home Remedies for different Diseases Prescribed by Swami Ram Dev Ji in Yog-Camps.
Wholesome & Unwholesome Diet & Regimen for Different Diseases