Author: Stephen Arroyo
Publisher: New Age Books
Year: 2005
Language: English
Pages: 208
ISBN/UPC (if available): 8178221624
The realignment between the individual and the greater whole of which each individual is a part, is important for without it, no real healing can take place.
Stephen Arroyo, presents astrology as one harmonizing tool, a precisely accurate language of life that we can learn for personal use.
Never before has there been such a practical presentation of astrology as a therapeutic art /science.
Practicing the Cosmic Science presents a type of astrology that is modern, innovative and directed toward self-understanding. This is a challenging wide-ranging treatment of such crucial subjects as, astrology as a healing process, the purpose of astrology, and astrological counseling as a legitimate profession.
Arroyo is a scientist and yet he is comfortable with the magic which the cosmos provides. Jung’s great achievement is carried forward by Arroyo’s psychological-astrological work.
-Watchers of the Horizon
If you care about astrology at all, this is essential reading, providing invaluable insights into many of the crucial issues facing astrology and astrologers at this time.
-Journal of Canadian Astrologers
Stephen Arroyo pulls no punches, he insists that Astrology must be brought down to Earth by the use of common sense and a practical, intelligent, dignified presentation of Astrological wisdom.
-Journal of the Seasons
Astrology Today & the Astrological Psychology of Tomorrow
The Purpose & Profession of Astrology
Counselling & Astrology as a Healing Process
Setting Up & Structuring a Practice: A Discussion Group
Ancient Laws-Modern Interpretation: The Rebirth of Simplicity
Key Issues in Astrology Today: Summaries of Small-Group Brainstorming Sessions
Thirty Years of Working with Astrology
In Conversation with Stephen Arroyo