Madhava Nidana-Ayurvedic System of Pathology

Madhava Nidana-Ayurvedic System of Pathology

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Author: K R L Gupta
Translator(s): K R L Gupta
Publisher: Sri Satguru Publications
Year: 1997
Language: English
Pages: 280
ISBN/UPC (if available): 8170301300


A popular and comprehensive work on Pathology, it has been an indispensable aid to physicians since a long time. This work is named after the author, the real title of the work is roga-vinishcaya. The work is an elaborate consideration of causes, symptoms, complications and treatments in seventy three sections.

The first section deals with the five factors necessary for proper diagnosis of a disease: cause, premonitory symptoms, manifested symptoms, applied therepeutics, to trace the cause from the effect and development of diseases. The last section gives a list of diseases dealt with.

The book ends with a prayer that all living beings be freed from the entire holst of ailments. The book is being published under the series Indian Medical Science Series.


1. Fevers - Jwara
2. Dysentery - Atisar
3. Aoute Dysentery - Amaraktalisar
4. Diarrhosa - Grihini
5. Arsa - Piles
6. Ajirna - Indigestion
7. Dyspepsia - Agni Mandya
8. Bisuchika - Cholera
9. Worms - Krimi
10. Jaundice - Pandu
11. Hoemorrhagia - Raktapitta
12. Phithisis Pulmonalis - Consumption
13. Cought - Kasa
14. Hiccup - Hikka
15. Asthma - Swasa
16. Hoarseness - Swarabheda
17. Chardi or Vomiting
18. Swooning 0 Murchha
19. Burning of the Body - Daha
20. Madness - Unmada
21. Possessed persons, or Devil-Madness - Bhutonmada
22. Epilepsy - A pasmara or Mrigi
23. Nervous diseases - Bata Byadhi
24. A kind of Leprosy - Bata-rekta
25. Discuses of the extremities
26. Acute Itheumetism - Ambat
27. Sal, Colic - Gastropariodynia
28. Retoutioin of Discharges - Adabarta
29. Gulma - Swellings in the Abdomen
30. Diseases of the Heart
31. Strangury - Mutrakrichchhra
32. Suppressioin of Urine - Matraghata
33. Urinary Calculi - Ashmari
34. Diseases of the Urinary Organs
35. Morbid Secretion of Unine - Prameha
36. Great Fatness - Madah
37. Enlargement of the Abdomen - Udara
38. Swallings - Shotha
39. Shlipada - Elephantiasis
40. Diseases of the Male Organs of Generation
41. Serofulous Swellings - Gandamala
42. Goitre - Galaganda
43. Bhagundara - Fistula-in-Ano
44. Sores on the Genital Organs - Upadangsha
45. History of Syphilis
46. Leprosy - Kushtha or Kuth
47. Urticaria - Sitapita
48. Acidity of Stomach, Vomiting of Bile - Amlapitta
49. Boils, Pustules, Erysipelas - Bishphotaka
50. Small Pox - Masurika

1. Diseases of the mouth - Mukharoga
2. Diseases of the Lips - Mukharoga
3. Diseases of the Gums - Mukharoga
4. Diseases of the Teeth - Mukharoga
5. Sensible Teeth - Dantaharsa
6. Diseases of the Tongue
7. Diseases of the Palate
8. Diseases of the Neck
9. Diseases of the Throat
10. Diseases of the Ears - Karnaroga
11. Diseases of the Nose
12. Diseases of the Eyes - Akhiroga
13. Diseases of the Head - Siraroga
14. Diseases of the Female organs of generation
15. Kanda - Utero Vaginal Tumors
16. Diseases of Infants - Balaroga
17. Poisons and their antidotes - Panata
18. Dhajabhanga or Claiba - Impotence
19. Gudabhrangsa - Prolapsus ani
20. Ahiputana - Superficial Ulcer round the Anus
21. Emaciation - Karsa
22. Unhealthy Discharges - Amaha