History of Science and Technology in India      (12 Vol Set)

History of Science and Technology in India (12 Vol Set)

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Author: G Kuppuram
K Kumudamani/
Editor(s): G Kuppuram / K Kumudamani
Publisher: Sundeep Prakashan
Year: 1990
Language: English
Pages: 3749
ISBN/UPC (if available): 8185067317


History of Science and Technology in India is the Product of the heartiest cooperation between the Editors and Publishers. This book is devoted solely to scientific subjects. It has highlighted the Astronomical, Technological, Geological, Medical, Industrial, Developments in the ancient, medieval and modern India.

The Authors whose essays have been compiled in this book need no introduction as they are well-known in their respective fields of their original researches. Their contribution make it clear that this country though better known for its spiritual greatness, witnessed also a high standard of scientific achievements in various fields. Medical science developed in India about the beginning of the Christian era. One of the well-known authorities on Indian medicine was Charaka, who is said to have flourished during the Kushana ruler Kanishka. Mathematics are dealt with in special chapters of the books on the early Indian astronomers, India attained excellence in Algebra. The earliest works of successful Indian Astronomy were the form treatises called the Siddantas. Aryabhatta who was born at Patliputra in 476 AD reduced the doctrine of early works on Astronomy and Mathematics to a practical of concised form.

The earliest coinage of India is known as Punch-marked coins ranging in date from C.6th Century BC to 3rd Century BC. They were mostly of silver. The bent-bar coins from Taxila form a destined class of Punch-marked coins. The Kushana rulers issued a large number of gold coins some of which bear kharoshti inscriptions. Kushanas were electric in outlook and their coins bear various Greek. Zoroastrians and Indian deities. The History of Indian metal-casting goes back to the days of the Indus Civilization. The dancing girl from Mohenjodaro is an excellent piece of metal work. Some of the bronzes of the Gupta, Pallava, Pala and Chola period are among the first specimens of Indian Art.

Various types of technology during the Indus valley civilization, in the classical Age of India, the textile tools used in making the Ajanta Sculptures and Mughal Painting, the Fire Arms, have been very lucidly described. The other important topics are the Aspects of Metal Technology during the early Historic period and the history of Iron and Steel-making in India. Origins and Development of Iron in India and Copper Bronze Technology have been mentioned in detail. The Glass-making in ancient and medieval India, Indigo Industry in India. Evolution of Industries and Industrialization in Primordial Tamil Nadu too are very important aspects which have been described. The readers will find a wide range of information of the Geological concepts in ancient India and medieval India besides the Cartography in Mughal India and the Preliminary sedimentological studies on the Deposits of Kashmir.

The book will be of great value to readers especially the students because it has wide range of information regarding science and its various ramifications. The erudite scholars who have contributed their articles in this book have vividly depicted authentic and useful information for the study of scientific developments of India.



1. Methodology to Promote Positive Health-V.Narayanaswami
2. The State of Ayurveda in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries-V.Narayanaswami
3. Social Medicine : Concept of Ayurveda-V.Narayanaswami
4. Polimylities and Infantile Paralysis According to Ayurveda-V.Narayanaswami
5. OJAS-Ayurveda Concept of Energy in Human Body-V.Narayanaswami
6. The Expansion of Indian Medicine Abroad-Jean Filiozat
7. Siddha System of Medicine-V.Narayanaswami
8. Rheumatoid Arthritis(Amavata)-V.Narayanaswami
9. Jaina Alchemy as Revealed in the Suvarna Rupya-Siddhi-Sastra of Sri JinadttaSur(V.S.1210)-J.C.Sikdar
10. Medical Innovations of the Ethnic Community of Ancient Tamilnadu with Special Reference to the Sangam Period-A Parallel Account of the Aboriginal Practice and Traditions of South-East Asia-K.Kumudamani

1. Science and Religion-Swami Abhedananda
2. Science and Immortality-Swami Abhedanonda
3. Shaking of Hands : Science and Religion-Swami Nirvedananda


1. The Method of Integral Solution of Indeterminate Equations of the Type: By=AX=C in Ancient and Medieval India-A.K.Bag
2. The Methodology of Indian Mathematics and its Contemporary Relevance-M.D.Srinivas
3. Accomplishment Ancient Indians in the Field of Mathematics-Jagat Jitendra Matto
4. Indian Literature on Mathematics During 1400-1800 A.D.-Amulya Kumar Bag
5. Indian Mathematics Since 1600 A.D.-Dr. A.K.Bag
6. A Loose Counter Training Aid for Mathematics-E.G.K.Rao
7. Ancient Hindu Cosmology-B.G.Sidharth
8. Al-Biruni on Indian Arithmetic-Amulya Kumar Bag
9. Kerala`s Heritage in Mathematics-S.Parameswaran
10. The Indian Approach to Formal Logic and the Methodology of Theory Construction: A Preliminary View-M.D. Srinivas
11. Foundations of Logic in Ancient India : Linguistics and Mathematics-Navjyoti Singh
12. The Knowledge of Geometrical Figures Instruments and Units in the Sulbasutras-Amulya Kumar Bag
13. Trigonometerical Series in the Karanapaddhati and the Probable Date of the Text-Amulya Kumar Bag
14. Madhava Sine and Cosine Series-Amulya Kumar Bag

1. A Survey of Source Materials-K.V.Sarma
2. Kerala Literature on Jyotisa-K.V.Sarma
3. Tradition of Aryabhatiya in Kerala: Revision of Planetary Parameters-K.V.Sarma
4. Kuttaka and Qiuyishu-A.K.Bag
5. Some Highlights of Astronomy and Mathematics in Medieval India-K.V.Sarma
6. Islamic Calendar and Indian Era-S.R.Sarma


1. The Technology of the Indus Civilization-D.P.Agrawal
2. Some Aspects of Impact of Technology on Society in the Classical Age of Idia-B.V.Subbarayappa
3. Some Aspects of Paint Technology in Ancient India-S.K.Bhowmik
4. Rock Art Technology-Yashodhar Mathpal
5. Textile Tools as Depicted in Ajanta and Mughal Paintings-Ishrat Alam
6. Capacity of Technological Change in Mughal India-Irfan Habib
7. Technology in Mughal India Evidence of Mughal Paintings-S.P.Verma
8. Technological Aspects of Some Fire-Arms in Mughal India-Pankaj Kumar Dutta
9. Development of Technical Education in Colonial India-Amita Das
10. Technology in India in the Eighteenth Nineteenth Century-Amulya Kumar Bag
11. Techno-Cultural Study of Etched Beads from Tilaura-Kot (Nepal)-C.Margabandhu
12. Technology of Transport Vehicle in Early India-C.Margabandhu
13. Shipping in Ancient India-S.R.Rao
14. The Company`s Marine-Late S.M.Edwards


1. Science-Walter Eugene Clark
2. A Conceptual Framework of History of Science in India-A.Rahman
3. Scientific Literature in Sanskrit
4. Evolution of Artistic Traditions in Ancient India with special Reference to the Science of Handicrafts-G.Kuppuram
5. Science in Ancient India :Materials for Reopening Some Old Questions-Debiprasad Chattopadhyaya
6. Binomial theorem in Ancient India-Amulya Kumar Bag
7. The Notion of Five Elements and its Impetus to the Traditional Sciences in Ancient India-Anuradha Khanna
8. Science and Economy in Ancient India as Gleaned from Early Greek and Latin Literature-Dr.G.Kuppuram
9. Sine Table in Ancient India-Amulya Kumar Bag
10. A Note on the Sine Table in Ancient India-Amulya Kumar Bag
11. Science and Culture in the Indian Context-Abdur Rahman
12. Women and Science in India-Amita Das
13. Progress of Science and Scientific Methods in the 1970`s : A Critical Empiricism-G.Kuppuram and K.Kumudamani
14. Interaction of West Asian and Central Asian Science with Indian Tradition-W.H.Abdi
15. Interaction of Scientific Ideas in the Asian Culture Area-Irfan Habib
16. Science Policy of East India Company in Indian-Satpal Sangwan
17. Science Education in India Under Colonial Constraints (1792-1857)-Satpal Sangwan
18. Science Education in Bengal in the Nineteenth Century-Rama Deb Roy
19. Applications of Mossbauer Spectroscopy in Archaeology-K.S.Venkateswar and V.Ramshesh
20. Incidence of Halogens in Mammalian Skeletons-Sreelata Rao
21. Radio Carbon Evidence for Deglaciation in North-Western Himalaya, India-Gurdip Singh and D.P.Agrawal
22. Linguistics and Oral Tradition in Indian Subcontinent-Between the Decline of Harappan and the Rise of Magadhan Culture (1500-50B.C.)-Navjyoti Singh


1. An Assessment of Science and Technology During Harappan Phase-H.C.Bhardwaj
2. Scientific and Technical Contents in Kautilya`s Arthasastra-Mrinalini Sarpotdar
3. Science and Technology in Medieval India-A.Rahman
4. European Impressions of Science and Technology in India (1650-1850)-Satpal Sangwan
5. Indian Science and Technology in the Eighteenth Century-Madras Group
6. Indian Response to European Science and Technology(1757-1857)-Satpal Sangwan
7. Science and Technology in Post-Independence Era : Some Issues and Problems-M.A.Qureshi
8. Science and Technology in Post-Independence Era : Future Perspective-A.Rahman


1. Aspects of Metal Technology During the Early Historic Period-C.Margabandhu
2. Iron Technology in Ancient India-B.Prakash and V.Tripathi
3. History of Iron and Steel Making in India-B.Prakash
4. A Brief Historical Review of Ancient and Medieval Metal Technology in India-Mrinalini Sarpotdar
5. Lapidary Section in Bhoja`s Yuktikalpataru An Assessment-N.Gangadharan and K.C.Rajasekaran
6. Historical Notices on Gem Cutting in India-S.R.Sarma
7. Gold in Vedic Society-M.Sarpotdar and B.V.Subbarayappa
8. The Invention of Bronze-Drill by the Metal Craftsmen of Lothal in Century 2000 B.C.-S.K.Bhowmik
9. Copper Bronze Technology-Mrinalini Sarpotdar
10. From Copper to Iron-A Transition-Vibha Tripathi
11. The Development of Zinc Technology in Ancient Gujarat-S.K.Bhowmik
12. Origin and Development of Iron in India-Its Economic Implications-Vibha Tripathi
13. Iron Technology in India-A Historical Perspective-Mrinalini Sarpotdar
14. Early Iron Age in the Northwest of Subcontinent-G.Stacul
15. Introduction of Iron in India-A Chronological Perspective-Vibha Tripathi
16. Preindustrial Indian Iron-Dilip K.Chakrabarti
17. Ancient Iron Making in Bastar District-B.Prakash and K.Igaki


1. The Knowledge of Glass and Glass-Making in Ancient and Medieval India-Mamata Chaudhuri
2. The Nature of Industrialization of British India Since the 17th Century-A Socio-Economic Outlook-Dr.G.Kuppuram
3. A Survey of Some Select Industries in Eastern Indian During the Mid-Eighteenth Century-G.Kuppuram
4. Indian Dyes and Dyeing Industry During 18-19 Century-H.C.Bhardwaj and Kamal K.Jain
5. Indigenous Paper Industry and Muslim Entrepreneurship : Case Study of Paper Technology and Trade of Ahmedabad with Special Reference to the 19th Century-Makrand J.Mehta
6. Indigo Industry in Bihar During the 19th Century-B.K.Sinha
7. Notes on the Origin and Structuring of the Industrial Labour Forces in Indian 180-1920-P.S.Gupta
8. Evolution of Industries and Industrialisation in Primordial Tamilnadu-G.Kuppuram


1. Minting of Coins and Problem of Forgery in Indian Numismatics-Upendra Thakur
2. Technology of Indian Coinage : Ancient and Medieval Period-B.N.Mukherjee
3. Source of Gold of Early Gold Coins of India-Upendra Thakur
4. Study of Andipatti Lead Coins and Their Preservations-V.Jeyaraj

1. Indian Metallurgy Since the Vedic Period-N.Gangadharan
2. Glory of Ancient Indian Mining(Archaeo-Mining Geology)-B.B.Koti Reddy
3. Scientific Basis and Technology of Ancient Indian Copper and Iron Metallurgy-K.T.M.Hedge
4. Metallurgy in Medieval India : 16th to 18th Centuries-Iqbal Ghani Khan
5. Late Quaternary Sediments, Minerals and Inferred Geochemical History of Didwana Lake, Thar Desert, India-R.J.Wasson, G.I.Smith and D.P.Agarwal
6. Plasma Welding Control Using Photo Cell-G.Tulasiram, V.Chandrasekaran and K.M.Gopu
7. Origin of Metallurgy in Asia : Myth and Reality-D.P.Agrawal


1. Curved-Roof and Bent-Cornice Style of the Mughals-Ram Nath
2. The Debate on the Building of New Delhi-Madras Group
3. Indian House : Its Planning and Construction as Revealed from Vedic and Buddhist Literture-R.P.Kulkarni
4. Architecture and Town Planning in the Puranas-Mamata Choudhuri


1. irrigation Engineering in India-R.P.Kulkarni
2. The Mansagar Dam of Amber-Iqtidar Alam Khan and Ravindra Kumar
3. Vrksayurveda : The Science of Plants Health in Ancient India-E.G.K.Rao
4. A Note on the Importance of Ficus Glomerata (Udumbara) in Ancient Indian Society-Aparna Chattopadhyay
5. Agricultural Technology in Medieval India-Harbans Mukhia
6. Level of Agricultural Technology in India-1757-1858-Satpal Sangwan
7. Development of Life Sciences in India in Eighteenth-Nineteenth Century-B.L.Jain
8. Science in Agriculture : A Study in Victorian India-Deepak Kumar
9. Development of Irrigation and Railways in India Under Lord Curzon (1900 A.D. - 1903 A.D.)-G.Kuppuram
10. Tamil Folk Sayings on Agriculture-A Study of the Folk Knowledge of Agriculture in Indian Tradition-A.V.Balasubramanian


1. The Geological Background of Indian History-D.N.Wadia
2. Geological Concepts in Ancient India-K.S.Murty
3. Development of Geological Thought in Ancient and Medieval India-S.R.N.Murthy
4. Karewa Microvertebrates : Paleoecological Implications-Ashok Sahni and B.S.Kotlia
5. Geomorphology, Late Quaternary Stratigraphy and Plaeoloclimatology of the Thar Dunefield-R.J.Wasson, S.N.Rajaguru,V.N.Misra, D.P.Agrawal, R.P.Dhir, A.K.Singhvi and K.Kameshwara Rao
6. Cartography in Mughal India-Irfan Habib
7. Tieffenthaler on Latitudes and Longitudes in India-An Eighteenth Century Study of Geographical Coordinates-S.N.Sen
8. Preliminary Sedimentological Study on the Quarternary Deposits on Kashmir-D.P.Agrawal, P.S. Datta, S.Kusumgar, N.C. Mehrotra, V.Nautiyal, R.K.Pant and S.L.Shali
9. Studies on the Loess Deposits of the Kashmir Valley and C Dating-Sheela Kusumgar, D.P.Agrawal and R.V.Krishnamurthy
10. Ostracodes and Paleoecology of the Karewa Formation of Hirpur and Romushi Sections, Kashmir, India-S.B.Bhatia, R.S.Batra and B.S.Kotlia
11. Chronology of Kashmir Loess-Sheela Kusumgar and D.Agrawal
12. Palynostratigraphy and Palaeoenvironments of Kashmir Hirpur Loc. III-H.P.Gupta, Chhaya Sharma, Rekha Dodia, Chetna Mandavia and A.B.Vora
13. Magnetostratigraphy of the Karewa Ossiferous Horizons from the Kashmir Valley, India-Sheela Kusumagr, B.S.Kotlia, D.P.Agrawal and K.Ashok Sahni


1. The Effect of Product of Relative Humidity and Concentration of SQ on Marble-G.Babu Rao
2. The Ambient Environment of the Gangetic Sediments of Chalcolithic Period-D.P.Agrawal, M.N.Deshpande, S.N.Rajaguru and Bhasker Roy
3. Cenozoic Climatic Changes in Kashmir: The Multidisciplinary Data-D.P.Agrawal
4. New Pollen Date from the Kashmir Bogs-Rekha Dodia, D.P.Agrawal and A.B.Vora
5. Multiple Evidence for Climate Change in Rajasthan -D.P.Agrawal, R.P.Dhir, R.V.Krishnamurthy, V.N.Misra, S.C.Nanda and S.N.Rajaguru
6. Ecological Factors and the Harappan Civilization-D.P.Agrawal and R.K.Sood
7. Human Ecology Through Raja-Yoga(Ancient Insights for Global Development)-E.A.V.Prasad
8. Hydroscience in Ancient Sanskrit : Its Relevance in Modern Context-E.A.V.Prasad
9. Some Aspects of Ground Water Exploration as Revealed in the Study of Dakargaladhyaya of Brhatsamhita-E.G.K.Rao
10. Bioindicators of Ground Water in Varahamihira`s Brihat Samhita-E.A.V.Prasad