The Bhagavata Purana   (A Set of 5 Volumes)

The Bhagavata Purana (A Set of 5 Volumes)

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Author: G P Bhatt
G V Tagare/
Translator(s): G V Tagare
Publisher: Motilal Banarsidass
Year: 2002
Language: English
Pages: 2213
ISBN/UPC (if available): 8120803132



The present Volume contains the Bhagavata Purana Part I (Skanshas 1-3) in English translation. It is the seventh in the series of fifty Volumes on Ancient Indian Tradition and Mythology.

The present translation is based on the Sanskrit text of the Bhagavata Purana, published by Messrs Ksemaraja Srikrsnadass, Venkatesvara Press, Bombay. This text, constructed on the collation of mss and supported by the oldest Commentator Sridhara Svamin, is fairly accurate. But we have also recorded the translation of all the additional verses accepted as genuine in the authoritative commentaries of Ramanuja and Madhva Schools, that are not found in the text of Sridhara Svamin.

The Bhagavata Purana deals with a variety of subjects-geographical, historical, philosophical, religious and the like which need elucidation. This task could not be accomplished by a mere translation. We have, therefore, provided footnotes on these topics. On the philosophical verses, especially, we have recorded different interpretations of the commentators belonging to different schools of thought, viz. those of Sankara, Ramanuja, Madhava, Nimbarka, Vallabha and Caitanya (Gaudiya School of Vaisnavism) and also two eminent Marathi commentators-Krsna Dayarnava and Ekanatha. In the accomplishment of this task we have utilized the commentaries published in the Bhagavata Vidya Peeth Ahmedabad Edition and in the Vrindavana edition of this Purana.

In order to help he reader understand the background of the Subject matter we have prefixed to this part a critical and comparative introduction which discusses, among other topics, the date, authorship, philosophy, religion and general characteristics of this Purana. A brief note on the commentators has also been added to the introduction while a general index is thought to be included in the last Part of this work.


The present Volume contains the Bhagavata Purana Part II (Skanshas 4-6) in English translation. It is the eighth in the series of fifty Volumes on Ancient Indian Tradition and Mythology.

The present translation is based on the Sanskrit text of the Bhagavata Purana, published by Messrs Ksemaraja Srikrsnadass, Venkatesvara Press, Bombay. This text, constructed on the collation of mss and supported by the oldest Commentator Sridhara Svamin, is fairly accurate. But we have also recorded the translation of all the additional verses accepted as genuine in the authoritative commentaries of Ramanuja and Madhva Schools, that are not found in the text of Sridhara Svamin.

The Bhagavata Purana deals with a variety of subjects-geographical, historical, philosophical, religious and the like which need elucidation. This task could not be accomplished by a mere translation. We have, therefore, provided footnotes on these topics. On the philosophical verses, especially, we have recorded different interpretations of the commentators belonging to different schools of thought, viz. those of Sankara, Ramanuja, Madhava, Nimbarka, Vallabha and Caitanya (Gaudiya School of Vaisnavism) and also two eminent Marathi commentators-Krsna Dayarnava and Ekanatha. In the accomplishment of this task we have utilized the commentaries published in the Bhagavata Vidya Peeth Ahmedabad Edition and in the Vrindavana edition of this Purana.

In order to help he reader understand the background of the Subject matter we have prefixed to part I a critical and comparative introduction which discusses, among other topics, the date, authorship, philosophy, religion and general characteristics of this Purana. A List of Abbreviations is also prefixed to Part I, while a general index is thought to be included in the last Part of this work.


The present Volume contains the Bhagavata Purana Part III (Skanshas 7-9) in English translation. It is the nineth in the series of fifty Volumes on Ancient Indian Tradition and Mythology.

The present translation is based on the Sanskrit text of the Bhagavata Purana, published by Messrs Ksemaraja Srikrsnadass, Venkatesvara Press, Bombay. This text, constructed on the collation of mss and supported by the oldest Commentator Sridhara Svamin, is fairly accurate. But we have also recorded the translation of all the additional verses accepted as genuine in the authoritative commentaries of Ramanuja and Madhva Schools, that are not found in the text of Sridhara Svamin.

The Bhagavata Purana deals with a variety of subjects-geographical, historical, philosophical, religious and the like which need elucidation. This task could not be accomplished by a mere translation. We have, therefore, provided footnotes on these topics. On the philosophical verses, especially, we have recorded different interpretations of the commentators belonging to different schools of thought, viz. those of Sankara, Ramanuja, Madhava, Nimbarka, Vallabha and Caitanya (Gaudiya School of Vaisnavism) and also two eminent Marathi commentators-Krsna Dayarnava and Ekanatha. In the accomplishment of this task we have utilized the commentaries published in the Bhagavata Vidya Peeth Ahmedabad Edition and in the Vrindavana edition of this Purana.

In order to help he reader understand the background of the Subject matter we have prefixed to part I a critical and comparative introduction which discusses, among other topics, the date, authorship, philosophy, religion and general characteristics of this Purana. A List of Abbreviations is also prefixed to Part I, while a general index is thought to be included in the last Part of this work.


The present Volume contains the Bhagavata Purana Part IV (Skanshas X) in English translation. It is the Tenth in the series of fifty Volumes on Ancient Indian Tradition and Mythology.

The present translation is based on the Sanskrit text of the Bhagavata Purana, published by Messrs Ksemaraja Srikrsnadass, Venkatesvara Press, Bombay. This text, constructed on the collation of mss and supported by the oldest Commentator Sridhara Svamin, is fairly accurate. But we have also recorded the translation of all the additional verses accepted as genuine in the authoritative commentaries of Ramanuja and Madhva Schools, that are not found in the text of Sridhara Svamin.

The Bhagavata Purana deals with a variety of subjects-geographical, historical, philosophical, religious and the like which need elucidation. This task could not be accomplished by a mere translation. We have, therefore, provided footnotes on these topics. On the philosophical verses, especially, we have recorded different interpretations of the commentators belonging to different schools of thought, viz. those of Sankara, Ramanuja, Madhava, Nimbarka, Vallabha and Caitanya (Gaudiya School of Vaisnavism) and also two eminent Marathi commentators-Krsna Dayarnava and Ekanatha. In the accomplishment of this task we have utilized the commentaries published in the Bhagavata Vidya Peeth Ahmedabad Edition and in the Vrindavana edition of this Purana.

In order to help he reader understand the background of the Subject matter we have prefixed to part I a critical and comparative introduction which discusses, among other topics, the date, authorship, philosophy, religion and general characteristics of this Purana. A List of Abbreviations is also repeated here for the convenience of the reader, while a general index is thought to be included in the last Part of this work.







Dialogue between Suta and Saunaka in the Naimisa forest
Merits of Devotion to Hari
Description of twentyfour incarnatins of lord Visnu
Arrival of Narada
Dialogue between Vyasa and Narada
Punishment of Asvatthaman
Kunti’s Eulogy of Krsna and Yudhisthira’s Repentance
Yudhisthira’s Acquisition of Kingdom
Krsna’s Departure to Dvaraka
Krsna’s Entrance into Dvaraka
Birth of Pariksit
Discourse of Narada
Conjectures of Yudhisthira
Ascent of the Pandavas to Heaven
Dialogue between the Earth and Dharma
Punishment and Control of Kali
Curse of Brahmana
Arrival of Suka


Discourse of Suka. Description of the Cosmic form of the Lord
Liberation by the Yogic Path: Instantaneous and Gradual Liberation
Devotion to Hari-the only path of Liberation
Creation of the Universe-Prayers to Hari
Creation of the Universe-Dialogue between Narada and Brahmadeva
Description of the Virat Purasa-exposition of the Purusa Sukta
Some Lilavataras and their work
Queries regarding the relation between the body, Soul and God
Suka’s discourse, Catuhas loki Bhagavata
Ten characteristics of the Bhagavata Purana


Meeting of Vidura and Uddhava
Dialogue between Uddhava and Vidura
Dialogue between Vidura and Uddhava-Glorious deeds of Krsna
Dialogue between Vidura and Uddhava-Destruction of the Yadavas and Krsna’s Message
Dialogue between Vidura and Maitreya-Tattvas and their Deities
Cosmology: Creation of the Universe
Vidura’s Queries
Creation of Brahma-His vision of Narayana
Brahma’s Prayer and Visnu’s Boon
Brahma’s Penance and Ten-fold Creation
The concept of time: manvantaras and lifespans of men and gods
Creation of Rudra, of the mind-born Sons and of Manu and Satrupa
The Boar Incarnation
Diti’s Conception
Sanaka and others curse Jaya and Vijaya
Fall of Jaya and Vijaya
Birth of Hiranyaksa and Hiranyakasipu-Hiranyaksa’s Victories
Hiranyaksa’s Fight with visnu
Varaha Kills Hiranyaksa
Various Creations of Brahma
Kardama’s Penance-Visnu’s Boon
Marriage of Kardama and Devahuti
Married life of Kardama and Devahuti
Kapila Incarnation
Dialogue between Kapila and Devahuti: Importance of the Bhakti-yoga
Kapila’s description of Creation-Samkhya Cosmology
Samkhya Philosophy-Prakrti and Purusa
Exposition of the Astanga-Yoga-The eightfold path of Yoga
The Path of Bhakti (Bhaktiyoga) and the Power of time
Samsara and Suffering in Hell
Sufferings of the Jiva-the Rajasi Gati
Excellence of the Bhaktiyoga
Devahuti’s Enlightenment and Liberation



The progeny of Svayambhuva Manu’s Daughters
The Rift between Siva and Daksa
Siva dissuades Sati from attendance at Daksayjna
Sati’s Self-immolation by yoga
Destruction of daksa’s Sacrifice
Appeasement of rudra-Revival of Daksa
Completion of Daksa’s Sacrifice
Story of Dhruva
Visnu’s boon and Dhuva’s Coronation
Dhruva invades Alaka
Svayambhuva Manu dissuades Dhruva from fighting
Kubera’s boon and Dhruva’s attainment of Visnu’s realm
Dhruva’s descendants: King Anga’s abdication
The story of Vena: Prthu’s Birth
Birth of Prthu and his Coronation
The Eulogy of Prthu by Bards
Prthu subjugates the Earth
Milking of the Earth
Prthu’s Conquest: His Horse sacrifice and Conflict with Indra
Prthu initiatied by Visnu
Prthu’s penance and ascension to Heaven
Prthu’s Descendants and the Hymn of Rudara
The Story of Puranjana-Introduction
Puranjana’s Hunting Expedition and His Queen’s wrath Pacified
Invasion of Candavega-The Episode of Kalakanya
Puranjana’s Rebirth as a woman and Attainment of Liberation
The Puranjana allegory explained
The Story of Pracetas-their marriage with Marisa and the birth of Daksa
The Story of Pracetasas: Their Renunciatin and Liberation


The Life of Priyavrata
The Hstory of Agnidhra
The History of Nabhi-Incarnation of Rsabha
The miraculous history of Rsabha
Rsabha’s discourse on the Path of Liberation
Rsabha quits his body
The Life of Bharata
Bharata reborn as a deer
Bharata reborn as a Brahmana, saved by Bhadrakali
Bharata’s Life: King Rahugana accepts discipleship
Bharata imparts spiritual Knowledge to Rahugana
Dialogue between Bharata and Rahugana
The Samsara-a forest: An Allegory
Explanation of the Allegory of Samsara-Forest
Description of Bharata’s Dynasty
Mythological Geography-The Terrestrial Globe
Descent of the Ganga
Description of Various continents
Description of Kimpurusa and Bharata Varsas
Description of the remaining six Dvipas
Stellar Region
Description of the moon and other Planets
Description of Visnu-pada-the position of Dhruva and Sisumara Cakra
Rahu’s Position and Subterranean Regions
Description of Sankarsana-the Serpent Sesa
Description of Hells


The Story of Ajamila
Exposition of the Bhagavata Dharma; Efficacy of the Lord’s name and Ajamila’s Ascension to Visnu-loka
Yama explains Visnu’s greatness
History of Daksa, the son of Pracetas
Daksa Curses Narada
Progeny of Daksa’s Daughters
Brhaspati’s insult and his abandonment of Preceptorship
Slaying of Visvarupa. Approach of gods to Dadhici
Indra-Vrtra fight
Indra-Vrtra fight
Vrtra slain by Indra
Indra’s Triumph
Previous Birth of Vrtra-King Citraketu
Consolation of citraketu
Citraketu’s Realization of Lord Ananta
Citraketu cursed by Parvati
Birth of the Maruts
Details of the Vow-Pumsavana



Conversation between Yudhisthira and Narada Jaya and Vijaya cursed
Hiranyakasipu consoles his mother and Kinsmen
Hiranyakasipu’s Penance-Brahma grants Boons
Oppression of Hiranyakasipu and Description of Prahlada’s devotion
The Life of Prahlada. Hiranyakasipu attempts to kill Prahlada
Prahlada’s teaching
Prahlada, enlightened in mother’s womb
Death of Hiranyakasipu and praise of Nrsimha
Prahlada eulogizes Nrsimha
Prahlada enthroned. The conquest of Tripura
The Eternal path of Religion
Inquiry into the right conduct (Duties of Brahmacarins and Vanaprasthas)
The Code of conductfor samnyasins and a dialogue between Avadhuta and Prahlada
The duties of a householder
Exposition of right conduct (concluded)


Description of Manvantaras
The Elephant leader seized by the Alligator
Liberation of the Mighty Elephant
Liberatin of the Lord of Elephants
Description of V and VI Manvantaras-Brahma Hymns the Lord
Mount Mandra Transported for Churning the Ocean
The Churning of the Sea for Nectar
The Lord’s Manifestation as Mohini (The Enchantress)
Distribution of Nectar by Mohini
A Battle between Gods and Asuras
End of the Battle between Gods and Asuras at Narada’s Mediation
Lord Siva Fascinated by Mohini
Description of the future Manvantaras
Duties of Manus and their functionaries
Bali’s Conquest of the Svarga (celestial Region)
Instruction in the observance of Payovrata to Aditi
Manifestation of the Lord as Vamana
The Lord incarnates as Vamana. Visit to Bali’s Sacrifice
Vamana’s request for three paces of land-Sukra’s opposition
Manifestation of the Cosmic form by visnu
Bali bound Down
A Dialogue between Bali and Vamana
Bali free from bonds, enters Sutala
The Fish incarnation of Lord Visnu


The Story of King Sudyumna
History of Karusa and other four sons of Manu
The story of Cyavana and Sukanya
The accout of Nabhaga and Ambarisa
Protection of Durvasas. The story of Ambarisa (concluded)
History of Iksvaku’s posterity
The Story of King Hariscandra
The story of King Sagara
The descent of the Ganga, the story of Kalmasapada
The story of Rama
The story of Rama (concluded)
Description of Iksvaku’s Race (concluded)
Description of the Race of Nimi
Description of the Lunar Race
The story of Parasurama. Sahasrarjuna slain
The story of Parasurama (concluded)
The Lunar Dynasty-The Descendants of Ayu, the son of Pururavas
History of Nahusa’s Line-The story of Yayati
Yayati’s Retirement and Final Emancipation
The History of Puru’s Race-Birth of Bharata
The Race of Bharata-The History of Rantideva
The History of the Kunar Race-The Royal dynasties of Pancala, Magadha and Kuru
History of the Dynasties of Anu, Druhyu, Turvasu and Yadu
History of the Race of Yadu



Kamsa kills Devaki’s Sons
The Lord’s descent in Devaki’s Womb
Description of the Birth of Srikrsna
Yoga-Maya’s Prophecy and Kamsa’s Order to Slaughter all Children
Celebration of Krsna’s Birth: Meeting of Nanda and Vasudeva
Putana emancipated
Destruction of the Cart and Trnavarta
Krsna’s Sports-Display of Visvarupa
Grace upon the Gopi (Yasoda); Krsna tied to the mortar.
Uprooting of Arjuna Trees-Redemptin of Nalakubara and Manigriva
Exodus from Gokula-Destructin of demons Vasta and Baka
Slaying of Aghasura
Infatuatin of god Brahma
God Brahma eulogizes Krsna
Slaying the demon Dhenuka
Expulsion of Kaliya
Rescue from the Forest Conflagration
Slaying of the Demon Pralamba
Swallowing up of a Forest-conflagraion
Description of the Rainy Season and the Autumn
The Song of Gopis (Coward-women)
Coward-maids pray to katyayani-Krsna’s carrying away their garments
Spiritual emancipation of the wives of Brahmana Sacrificers
Prevention of Sacrifice to Indra
Lifting up of Mount Govardhana
Conversation between Nanda and Cowherds
Indra Coronates Krsna
Nanda rescued from Varuna
Lord Krsna’s Rasa with Gopis
Search after Krsna
Gopi’s song (prayer for Krsna’s return)
Krsna comforts Gopis
Description of Rasa Krida
Sudarsana emancipated and slaying of Sankhacuda
Gopi’s song in pairs of Verses
Akrura deputed to bring Krsna and Balarama to Mathura
Slaying of asuras Kesin and Vyoma
The arrival of Akrura to Gokula
Akrura returns with Krsna and Balarama
Akrura’s Hymn (in praise of the Lord)
Krsna’s arrival at Mathura
Description of the wrestling Arena
Killing of the elephant Kuvalayapida
Slaying of Kamsa
Restoration of preceptor Sandipani’s son
Uddhava deputed for consoling Nanda
Uddhava’s Discourse on the Real Nature of the Lord
Visit to the Houses of Trivakra and Akrura
Akrura’s Mission to Hastinapura
Settlement at the fort of Dvaraka
Mucukunda’s Eulogy of the Lord
Krsna and Balarama escape to Dvaraka: Balarama’s marriage. Rukmini’s letter to Krsna
Rukmini’s Marriage: Rukmini carried away by Krsna
Celebratin of Rukmini’s Marriage
The story of Pradyumna’s Birth
The story of Syamantaka Jewel
The story of Syamantaka Jewel, Murder of Satrajit for Syamantaka, Akrura allowed to retain it.
Espousals of Lord Krsna
Narakasura slain
Conversation between Krsna and Rukmini (A Sweet Quarrel)
Aniruddha’s marriage
Aniruddha taken captive by Banasura
Bana Vanquished Aniruddha brought to Dvaraka
The story of Nrga
Balarama’s visit to Gokula-the course of the Yamuna diverted
Slaying of Pundraka and others
Balarama slays Dvivida
Hastinapura dragged by Balarama
Srikrsna’s Household life
Krsna’s Daily Observances; Deputation from Captive kings of Jarasandha
Srikrsna’s visit to Indraprstha
Jarasandha slain
Return of Krsna and others to Indraprastha
Yudhisthira’s Rajasuya: Sisupala slain
Dicomfiture of Duryodhana
Fight with Salva
Slaying of King Salva
Dantavaktra and Viduratha slain: Balarama’s Pilgrimage
Balvala Killed: Balarama’s Pilgrimage
The story of the Brahmana Sridaman
The story of the Parched Rice (The story of Sridaman continued)
Meeting of Vrsnis and Gopas of Vrndavana
Narration of their Marriage. Episodes by Krsna’s Consorts
Vasudeva’s Sacrifice
Restoration of his elder Brother by Krsna from the Realm of Death
Elopement of Subhadra: The lord’s Grace on Srutadeva
Hymn of praise by the Vedas
God Rudra saved
Supremacy of Visnu Vindicated
The Songs of Queens: Resume of Krsna’s sports

APPENDIX - Additional verses in VJ’s Text




Sage’s Curse: Imprecating the Annihilation of Yadu’s Race
Bhagavata Dharma; Narada’s Narration of King Nimi’s Dialogue with Jayanteya and others
Discourses on the Maya, the means to transcend it, the Brahman and the Path of Action
Description of the Lord’s Incarnations by Drumila
Nature and Fate of non-Devotees: Yuga-wise Methods of Worshipping the Lord
Lord Krsna Requested to return to Vaikuntha: Uddhava’s Desire to follow him.
Sri Krsna’s Spiritual Guidance to Uddhava: the Legend of the avadhuta and his Preceptors
What the Avadhuta learnt from the Nine Preceptors from the Boa-Constrictor to Pingala
The discourse of the Avadhuta concluded
How the Jiva is ensnared in samsara
Characteristics of Bondage and Liberatin and of Devotion
Importance of Association with Saints. The performance and Renunciatin of Prescribed Karmas
The Spiritual Knowledge Imparted by the Divine Swan
The Path of Devotion and the Method of Meditation
The Super-normal Powers Attained by Yoga
Description of Visnu’s Glorious Manifestations
The Sacred Duties of a Celibate and a Householder
Duties of Hermits (Vanaprastha) and Sannyasins
Exposition of Spiritual knowledge, its realization and Yogic Disciplines
Elucidation of Karma, Jnana and Bhakti Yogas
Criteria for determining the good and the evil Enumeratin of Principles (Tattvas). The Distinction between Prakrit and Purusa
The Song of a Recluse (Bhiksu Gita)
Elucidation of samkhya yoga
The Three Gunas and their Workings
The Song of Aila (Pururavas)
The Yoga of Active Service
The Essence of the Path of Knowledge (Jnana Yoga)
Bhakti Yoga Recapitualted: Departure of Uddhava to Badarikasrama
Extermination of the Race of Yadavas
Lord Krsna’s Return to Vaikuntha



Dynasties of the Kali Age
The Evils of the Kali Age
Dharma (Righteous way of Life) in every Yuga: Efficacy of God’s Name
The Four-Fold Pralaya
Suka’s concluding Precept Concerning Brahman
Taksaka Bites Pariksit: Janmejaya’s Serpent Sacrifice: Classification of Vedas in Different Branches
The Branches of the Atharva Veda: Characteristics of the Puranas
Markandeya’s Penance and Praise of Lord Narayana
The Lord Exhibits His Maya
God Siva’s Boon to Markandeya
Significance of the Various parts of the Lord’s Image: The Retinue of the sun-god per month
A Synoptic Review of the twelve Skandhas of Srimad Bhagavata
The extent of Each of the Eighteen Puranas: The Glory of the Bhagavata