Indian Classical Dance - Tradition in Transition

Indian Classical Dance - Tradition in Transition

Product ID: 7587

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Author: Leela Venkataraman
Publisher: Roli Books
Year: 2002
Language: English
Pages: 144
ISBN/UPC (if available): 81743621669


Brilliant photographs captured by the lens of Avinash Pasricha, undoubtedly the master of Indian dance photography, make the book as vibrant as the dances it presents. In its range, definitive appraisal and visual power, this volume is the best there is in its genre.

Bharatanatyam, Kathakali, Odissi, Kadhak, Mohini Attam, Manipur, Kuchipudi: This book is an exposition of these seven major dance forms – their history, growth, decay and renewal right from the temple floor and kingly court to the modern stage. The future of the dances, their struggle for preservation, their need to keep in step with the rhythm of today’s speedier world are themes the author, one of India’s most respected dance critics, explores and tries to resolve.

A sweeping look at the magnificence of Indian culture through its varied dance forms, Indian Classical Dance: Tradition in transition is a tour de force through the forms, characteristics, challenges and changes occurring in traditional dance. At one level, it is a compendium of classical dance, an exploration of its moods and majesty, an ode to its sublime aesthetics.

At another level, it is a stunning visual and scholarly portrayal of a pluralistic society teeming with cultural vitality. It is also a graphic appreciation of the human body, captured by the camera in moments of sheer grace, structured movement, cultivated expression and divine harmony.







Mohini Attam


