Author: M G Chitkara
Publisher: APH Publishing Corporation
Year: 2002
Language: English
Pages: 617
ISBN/UPC (if available): 817648184X
This 5th book of a 21-Volume set deals with Nirvana. Nirvana is derived from two Sanskrit words, nir and vata. When later on the word nirvata came to be used exclusively with reference to desire instead of wind, the suffix ta change into na.
Consequently, nirvana literally means without desire, or freedom for desire, or the extinguishment of all desires of life. People who indulge in worldly activities and pursue worldly ends will never realise truth, nor attain salvation. Only those who have experienced salvation during their lifetime, namely, who have gone through the process of dying while living, are competent. Speak of the state of salvation- Nirvana after death.
Treading on the spiritual path, according to the Buddha, is not pleasurable situation, neither it is a blissful one. In the lives of great teachers in the past, of Siddhas and gurus, it was a constant unmasking, a constant giving away, a constant undressing, peeling off skin after skin, layer after layer, mask after mask. Getting on the spiritual path is like getting into a vehicle without brakes. It involves giving up, giving away, and unmasking layer after layer of ego’s sheath.
The ego-principles, Ahankara is the root cause of dualism or the seeming separation between man and his Creator. Ahankara brings human beings under the sway of Maya, by which the subject (ego) falsely appear as object; the creatures imagine themselves to the creators. By banishing eco-consciousness, man awakens to his divine identity, his oneness with the Soul life; God. He is all permeating Supreme.
Beware of the Ego. If you start bragging about your spiritual attainment you have missed the whole point. It is no longer spiritual at all. It is the same game played with new words. Only the words have changed, but nothing has really changed; there has been no transformation. And people play the game of the ego in many ways. Every religion thinks, This is the only way, the true way: all other ways are false. They all belong to the same religion: The religion of the ego.
He does not cling to anything, body, mind or self. He clings not, he is no more there to cling. He is just pure emptiness. And out of that pure emptiness arise innocence, out of that pure emptiness arises godliness. According to Buddha the only obstacle is the self, the ego. It is the belief in one’s ego, which creates desire thus preventing the attainment of enlightenment. Thus, it is the self, the ego that is always a hindrance in the realization of nirvana.
The Purpose of Human Life
Ego Free Living
Anatta; No Soul
Living Eternal Truth
Be Light unto Yourself
Man Delivers Himself
Become Natural
Live Buddhism Be Enlightened
The Buddha Nature
Trikaya related to Buddha Nature
Contentment the Greatest Bliss
Unfolding Self
Aham Brahmasmi
The Concept of Self In four Noble
Suffering and its Cessation
Compassion and wisdom: Counter Negative Emotions
Ten Fetters of Human Passion
Dependent Origination
Freedom From Tanha: Nirvana
Desire: The Seed of Mind
Samsara is Nirvana & Nirvana is Samsara
Realizing True self is Nirvana
The Path of Souls Leads To Nirvana
Nirvana is Beyond Time & Space
The Wise Realize Nirvana
Nirvana: Man Transcends Birth & Death
Dharmakaya, Nirvana: Two Sides of the same coin
Arahant, The Saint Realizes Nirvana
Suchness to the Eternal Shores of Nirvana
Love, Compassion: way to world peace
Parinirvana and Nirvana
Mahamudra Realisation
Summum Bonum of Life
Scientific Yogic Mind: Paves Way to Enlightenment
Mediation is a way to Enlightenment
Love and Non-attachment
Jainism, Buddhism: To Ultimate Liberation
Brahmana, the Arahat attains nirvana
Enlightenment- Satori is instant
Individual to world peace
Peace and Re-incarnation
Karma, Reincarnation Binds the world Together
Liberation & Peace
Buddha in the Making: Budhisattva
Bodhisattva Ideal
The Bodhisattva Deeds
Dharma Upholds Efforts
Morality: The Essence of Dhamma
Dhamma Leads To Nirvana
Dhamma: Not Religion
Dharma: A Concept of Socio-Spiritual engineering
Love, Compassion; Motivation for Social Service
Buddhism: Admits Rebirth But Not Transmigration
Buddhism in the Changing World
Lotus Sutra: The Way to Peace
Lotus Sutra: Skill-in Means
The Lotus Sutra: The Philosophy of life
Appraisal & Sum Up
Nagarjuna’s Examination of Nirvana
Nagarjuna’s Examination of Casualty