Amongst the Sikhs - Reaching for the Stars

Amongst the Sikhs - Reaching for the Stars

Product ID: 11455

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Author: Surjit Kaur
Publisher: Roli Books
Year: 2003
Language: English
Pages: 192
ISBN/UPC (if available): 8174362673


This volume is a celebration of Sikhs, especially diaspora Sikhs who came, who saw and who conquered. The profiles in this book are of people who carved success for themselves out of alien surroundings. Their profiles may read like fiuctional pieces but they are real people, no different than you or I.

When some of the Sikhs left their homeland, an uncertain future stared them in the face. The antidote to this incertitude was their determination to make a name for themselves wherever their destiny would propel them. And so they did. Some spread Guru Nanak’s message in the Western Hemisphere, while others went on to become Members of Parliament in their adopted countries. Yet others sang the Gurbani in the West or were invested with the Order of the British Empire. They entertained the high and mighty at their chain of Indian hotels, and even regaled the world during wrestling bouts.

Neither the lack of funds nor the feeling of cultural alienation could dwarf their will to succeed.

Amongst the Sikhs: Reaching for the Stars is a celebration of Sikhs, especially diaspora Sikhs who came, who saw and who conquered.



Note to the Reader

Introducing Sikhism to America

The Power Behind the Yogi

America’s Richest Sikh

Rich Farmer’s Rich Daughter

Fame and Fortune through Fibre Optics

Money and Culture

Tsar of Indian Hotels Abroad

Dentist and Scholar

Inherited Scholarship

Life Dedicated to Science and Sikhism

Economics and Youth Campus

Fifth Generation American

From the Aroma of Chandigarh to the Cherry Blossoms of Washington

From Poverty to Top Taxpayer

Community Service

Gurbani in the United States

Proud of being Sikh and American

Spreading Guru Nanak’s Message in the Western World

Trading in Style

The General Without an Army

Holding Aloft the Khalsa Banner in Britain

Member of British Parliament

Of Grif and Determination

First Sikh Barrister in British Court

Youngest Asian as Queen’s Counsel

Schoolboy Millionaire

Making Souls Meet

Champion Wrestler

Sikh in Canadian Parliament

The Right Deal

Lawyer with an Edge

Leading the Toronto Sikh Community

Building Bridges

Singer with a Mission
