Ghalib - A Critical Appreciation of His Life and Urdu Poetry

Ghalib - A Critical Appreciation of His Life and Urdu Poetry

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Author: Sayyid Abdul Latif
Publisher: Ghalib Institute
Year: 2002
Language: English
Pages: 92
ISBN/UPC (if available): B003FCRPBM


In sharp reaction against what the author calls 'intemperate adulation of Ghalib', this famous book is a critical study of Ghalib's poetry; whereas almost all the works on Ghalib are adulatory.

Here it will be relevant to mention that the Ghalib Institute has embarked upon a programme of republishing all the important works on Ghalib. Accordingly, new edition of Hali’s ‘Yadgar-i-Ghalib’ was published 1996. this was followed by Khalifa Abdul Hakeem’s work ‘Afkar-i-Ghalib (1999). The current year’s programme includes ‘Ghulam Rasool Mehr’s Ghalib’ (1936 ) , Shaikh Mohammad Ikram’s ‘Aasar-i-Ghalib’(1939 ) and Dr. Latif’s book under review together with its Urdu translation.

Another consideration in favor of Dr. Latif’s book is that it is in English; while there are so few books on Ghalib in English. Demand for such books is growing apace in the west because of recent Indian and Pakistani Diaspora. Besides Dr. Latif’s study is critical; where almost all the works on Ghalib are adulatory.


Chapter I Introductory

Chapter II Materials: Collection]

Chapter III Materials : Chronological arrangement

Chapter IV Problems of the Study of Ghalib

Chapter V Ghalib’s Outlook on Life

Chapter VI Greatness in Poetry

Chapter VII Ghalib’s Poetry

Appendix I

Appendix II