Author: Nemai Sadhan Bose
Publisher: Sahitya Akademi
Year: 2000
Language: English
Pages: 125
ISBN/UPC (if available): 8126009608
New questions are being asked and new facts are being discovered related to Vivekananda's life and activities in India and abroad. This short biography aims to give a comprehensive picture of Vivekananda's colorful life and his role as a nation builder.
SWAMI VIVEKANANDA’S accomplishments as a man of literature have been widely acknowledged by eminent literary critics and writers. Way back in September 1896, Leo Tolstoy wrote in his diary that he had read a charming book on Indian wisdom’ which had been sent to him. The book contained a series of lectures on ancient Indian philosophy delivered by Vivekananda in New York in the winter of 1895-1896.
In 1931 Romain Rolland, deeply moved by the writings, letters and speeches of Swamiji, wrote, His words are great music, phrases in the style of Beethoven, stirring rhythms like the march of Handel choruses. As a writer both in English and Bengali Vivekananda achieved great success. His books, speeches, talks and letters which constitute the bulk of his collected works impress the readers and critics for a number of reasons. As a thinker and writer he represented a fine blending of tradition and modernity. He sought to infuse new trends in his own creative writings, both in contents as well as in forms.
The Background
The Master and the Beginning
The Discovery of India
Mission in the West
Coming Home
The West Revisited
End of the Journey
Vivekananda and His works
The vision and Mission
A Call for National Reconstruction
Extracts from Vivekananda’s Writings
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