Author: Burton
Publisher: Goodword books
Year: 2002
Language: English
Pages: 855
ISBN/UPC (if available): 818757033
This book is a new version of the original Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Medina and MacKay by Captain Sir Richard F Burton, published in 1893. Under the most trying circumstances, the author in the garb of a dervish made the Hajj pilgrimage in the year 1853, which he describes in an enthralling way.
Throughout the world, Muslims turn to Makkah to pray. This ancient sanctuary, House of God, is draped in Kiswah - a huge expanse of black cloth, embroidered in gold with verses from the Quran. Close by, in a gilded glass cage, is the stone on which the Prophet Ibrahim stood in order to complete the building of the Kabah which he erected with his son, the Prophet Ismail.
To Alexandria: A few words concerning what induced me to a Pilgrimage
I leave Alexandria
The Nile Steamboat - The Little Asthmatic
Life in the Wakalah
The Ramazan
The Mosque
Preparations to Quit Cairo
From Cairo to Suez
The Pilgrim Ship
To Yambu'
The Halt at Yambu'
From Yambu' to Bir Abbas
From Bir Abbas to Madinah
Through the Suburb of Madinah to Hamid's House
A Visit to the Prophet's Tomb
An Essay towards the History of the Prophet's Mosque
A Ride to the Mosque of Kuba The Visitation of Hamzah's Tomb
The People of Madinah
A Visit to the Saint's Cemetery
The Damascus Caravan
From Madinah to Al-Suwayrkiyah
The Badawin of Al-Hijaz
From Al-Suwayrkiyah to Makkah
The First Visit to the House of Allah
The Ceremonies of the Yaum al-Tarwiyah, or the First Day
The Ceremonies of the Yaum Asrafat, or the Second Day
The Three Days of Drying Flesh
Life at Makkah, and Umrah, or the Little Pilgrimage
Places of Pious Visitation at Makkah
To Jeddah
Of Hajj, or Pilgrimage
The Bayt Ullah
The Navigation and Voyages of Ludovicus Vertomannus, Gentleman of Rome - A.D. 1503
Pilgrimage of Joseph Pitts to Makkah and Madinah - A.D. 1680
Giovanni Finati
Notes on my Journey By A Sprenger
The Makkah Pilgrimage