Space, Territory and the State - New Readings in International Politics

Space, Territory and the State - New Readings in International Politics

Product ID: 9599

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Author: Ranabir Samaddar
Editor: Ranabir Samaddar
Publisher: Orient Longman
Year: 2002
Language: English
Pages: 263
ISBN/UPC (if available): 978-81-250-2209-1


The fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 freed historians and social scientists from the compulsions of a cold-war-proscribed worldview: simultaneously, it allowed those whose perceptions had been subsumed under this narrative to assert their interpretation of world history. In addressing the neglected issues of space, border and statelessness in international politics, this collection of essays contributes a much-needed view from the South.

From a discussion on the possibility of Asia having its own geopolitical identity, the book moves on to the problematic of frontiers and borders. How geopolitical perceptions, frontiers and borders were manipulated to suit political and moral exigencies in Central and South Asia is presented in the form of three cased studies.

The book asserts that chasms created by borders, even - and especially - those between India and Pakistan, can be bridged by dialogue. By advocating the need for a historical understanding of the world today, this seamlessly edited book offers an alternative viewpoint in the field of international relations.9l


List of Maps
List of Abbreviations


Can there be an Asian Geopolitics
by Sanjay Chaturvedi

Frontiers and Borders: Spaces of Sharing, Spaces of Conflict
by Paula Banerjee

Empires, Kingdoms and Mobile Frontiers in Central Asia
by Suchandana Chatterjee

Territory and Identity: Slaves in the Age of Imperial Frontier Management
by Indrani Chatterjee

Delimitation, Borders and the Unsolved Question of State Formation in Central Asia
by Anita Sengupta

Warring Neighbors Coexist and Cooperate: A Review of the India-Pakistan Dialogue
by Rita Manchanda

Plural Dialogues
by Ranabir Samaddar

State in the Revision of Space and History Today by Ranabir Samaddar
