Author: Ash-Shaikh Hasanin
Muhammad Makhluf/
Translator(s): Duraid / Faiz Fatouhi
Publisher: Kitab Bhavan
Year: 1999/2002
Language: multilingual
Pages: 328
ISBN/UPC (if available): 8171512801
This compilation presents an interpretation for those world of the Holy Qur'an that require interpretation and explanation, listing them according to the order of the verse in the Surahs.
It is a clear fact that the words of the Holy Qur'an is a source of inspiration to every Muslim in general and every scholar in particular. By these words we can understand the wonderful meanings and expressions of the Book of Allah.
This kind of understanding needs a great ability in mastering the Arabic language, and one of those who has been endowed with this mastery is the former grand mufti of Egypt, the compiler of this book, whose knowledge is self-evident. In this book he has presented an interpretation for those of the Holy Qur'an that require interpretation and explanation.
Then in translating this book to the English language, the translators Duraid & Faiz Fatouhi have added to the meaning of the words a transliteration to each word in order to show the right way of pronouncing that word.