Author: S V Govindan
Publisher: Abhinav Publications
Year: 2000
Language: English
Pages: 164
ISBN/UPC (if available): 8170173930
This book serves not only as a guide to novice practitioners but also as a manual and refresher guide for those who are experienced ayurvedic masseurs. Its techniques will bring relief and better health to those who faithfully apply them in their daily lives.
Massage is the oldest of all techniques fro relieving pain, shaping the organs, regenerating tissues, and correcting almost all internal malfunctions. Massage has its origin in the natural instincts of animals, handed over to the conscious man with a mandate to improve it as far as possible with his old wisdom. Though it was neglected for many years, the art of massage has recaptured its central place amongst the forms of healing, prevention of disease, and promoting health.
This book is a commendable guide to a very important medical aid which reigned with dignity in the past.