Space - Time - Motion: An Untrodden Path to Health

Space - Time - Motion: An Untrodden Path to Health

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Author: S N Bhavsar
Publisher: Softyog
Year: 2001
Language: English
Pages: 374
ISBN/UPC (if available): 8190137808


It is no mean feat to be able to say something original and creative in any field today leave aside a field as complex as human health. This book shows a new way of looking at health matters.

. . .he has a new way of looking at health matters. And it is no mean feat to be able to say something original and creative in any field today leave aside a field as complex as human health. In the process, he also touches upon some of the basic mysteries of complex life forms e.g. bilaterality, symmetry and asymmetry of structure and function, about maintenance of differentials and gradients.
—Dr Sanjay S Phadke, M.D. DPM, Associate Professor of Psychiatry

. . . Establishing the inter-relationship or balance between space – time – motion and health on one hand, and beyond it, the participation of a third agent either physical (exercise, yoga, massage etc.) or chemical (medicine) in building the necessary resilience in this relationship is indeed very thought provoking.
—Dr B D Kulkarni, Director, National Laboratory Pune


From darkness lead me to light
Space -- Time -- Motion
An Integral Perspective
Temperature: Concept, Problems & Experiments
Bilateral Differential Measurements
Body types
Classification of ‘Asanas’ and ‘Pranayama’
Massage: Theory & Practice
Pulse; Theory, Science & Experiment
Before you start
(An Overview of treatment)

Random Hit
Phimosis (Urinary track problem)
Physiognomy and Disorders of Respiration
Syndrome: A Passage from Physics to Bio-Physics
Skeletal System and Motion: An Interaction
Facial Oedema: Differential Diagnosis and Treatment
Eyes: Deformities and Disorders, Physics Applied
Stomach Disorders: In the heart of Physics
Cardiac Disorder

On the Verge of Death
‘Vayu is ‘Ayu (Yoga in Emergency)
Pabalkar Hospital: Religion to Medicine
Vadodra Hospital
Jaundice in Pregnancy: An Integral approach

Giddiness: Psychology, Physiology and Physics
High Blood Pressure
From physics to Medicine through Paralysis
Physical Deformities: Polio
Chronic Disease: Asthma -- Case No. 1
Asthma -- Case No. 2
Mental Depression
Mental Trauma
Ascites to Physics
Deviated Septum: Cough and Cold
Septum Deviation of Obses People
Septum Deviation of Thin and Weak People
Air Conditioning and Arthritis
Airways Travel: Some Problems
Sciatica -- Case No. 1
Sciatica -- Case No. 2
Excessive External Retention (bahyakumbhaka) and its Effects
Conception Case No. 1
Conception Case No. 2
Selective Conception Case No. 1
Selective Conception Case No. 2
Selective Conception Case No. 3
Conception Confirmation Test
Detection of Sex
Pregnancy and Exception to the Rule
Controlled Progeny: Inborn Immunity
Breast Feeding: Right and Left (Way to inborn immunity)
Bilateral Milk: Invivo Confirmation
Intrauterine Problems
Uterine Disorders of Thin Ladies
Uterine Disorders of Obese Ladies
Hot Flushes
Pulse Diagnosis
Duta Nadi: Messanger Pulse
Brain Tumour (A Space-Time Reversal)
Tumour in Groin and complication

Gayatri Pranayama
Selected Bibliography
Prospects and Retrospects
Author’s Profile