Author: Eminent Contributors
Editor: Sima Sharma
Publisher: Indialog Publications
Year: 2002
Language: English
Pages: 228
ISBN/UPC (if available): 8187981105
Strange is our situation here upon the earth. Each us of comes for a short visit, not knowing why. Yet sometimes seeming to divine a purpose. This volume contains some of the best essays on faith which explore the many reverberations of the concept of Faith.
Some of the best essays on faith I have ever read.
—Satish Kumar
A major contribution to the vital debate on how we rediscover the numinous and restore the transcendent, to a central place in our thought, our individual lives, our communities and our nations. The papers inform those who are searching for a dialogue to replace the sterile dispute between secularism and organized religion.
—Mark Tully
The authors in this volume explore the many reverberations of the concept of Faith. Together, the anthology affirms the place of the Sacred in life.
—Kapila Vatsyayan
Nature will not see herself there as in a mirror, but rather herself transformed into something wonderfully not herself which is yet her own deeper reality.
—Sri Aurobindo
You ought to believe something in life, believe that thing so fervently that you will stand up with it till the end of your days. . .we have a power, a power as old as the insights of Jesus of Nazareth and as modern as the techniques of Mahatma Gandhi.
—Martin Luther King
Strange is our situation here upon the earth. Each of us comes for a short visit, not knowing why. Yet sometimes seeming to divine a purpose.
—Albert Einstein
The Ground of Faith
Something Understood
The Sage Forest
Reinventing Our Sacred
Not Among the Believers
Faith: A Constitutive Human Dimension
The Reverberating Image
My Research as My ‘Sadhana’
Place, Person and the Sacred
The Heart of Knowing
Beacons of Sainthood
With Good Reason
The Cloud of Pretending
Diminishing Spirit
To a Greater Dawn
And All Beginnings Cease
The Next Certitude
From Fair Words to Shared Experience
Affirmation of Life
Enabling a Just World
Time in a Cotton Bud
God and the Scale of Evil
Ordinary Spirit
Na Hanyate, It is Not Slain
Notes on Contributors