Rethinking Indian Federalism

Rethinking Indian Federalism

Product ID: 8710

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Author: Rasheeduddin Khan
Editor: Rasheeduddin Khan
Publisher: Indian Institute of Advanced Study
Year: 1997
Language: English
Pages: 274
ISBN/UPC (if available): 8185952507


This book broadly reflects upon macro-rubrics of Indian Federalism - quest for a new federal identity, socio-cultural pluralism and their accommodation and harmonization within federal polity and society.

In the fiftieth year of our sovereign existence as a modern state, it is critically significant for use to rethink our federal polity and plural society in order to design a ‘Federal India’ which can successfully combine ‘Federalism’ and ‘pluralism’ in the institutional framework of ‘self rule plus shared rule’. Pluralism and Federalism now appear as the two essential principles for organizing heterogeneous societies into a viable pattern of political sharing of power, by reconciling the twin process of ‘political unification’, and ‘social diversity’; of ‘commonality’ for certain purposes and specificities for others. In its praxis, federalism builds and sustains the ‘unity of polity’ and simultaneously preserves and promotes the ‘plurality of society’. It is from this perspective, and ideological premises of ‘Federal nation, participatory democracy, secularism and social justice’ that we should re-examine our federal polity and plural society.

The book broadly reflects upon the following macro rubrics of Indian Federalism-quest for a new federal identity, and recasting center-state relations in order to build a more equipoised and cooperative federal polity; social-cultural pluralism and their accommodation and harmonization within federal polity and society. In this exercise the critical relevance of secularism and composite culture has been examined; and, India being a multi-regional federation, the problems of regionalism and territorialization of federal polity have also been examined. Formulations on macro themes have been supplemented by certain micro-studies (case-studies) of specific issues concerning the problems of federal nation-building.



Federalism in India: A Quest for New Identity

First Session: Summary of the Discussion

Towards a Federal India: A Conceptual Exploration and an Empirical Explication

Federalism in Multi-cultural Societies: Issues for Consideration

Ecology, Regional Differentiation and Cultural Synthesis: Rethinking India’s cultural Pluralism

Second Session: Summary of Discussion

Real Issues of Indian Federalism

Coordinating Pluralism: The Federal Experience in India

The Importance of Article 356 in Center-State Relations in India: A Critical Review of its Use and Misuse

Reflections on Cooperative Federalism and Its Relevance for India

Third Session: Summary of the Discussion
Fourth Session: Summary of the Discussion
Fifth Session: Summary of the Discussion
Sixth Session: Summary of the Discussion

Secular Democracy and Challenges of Communalism

Implication of the concept and Ramification of Hindutva In the Process of Federal Nation-Building

Seventh Session: Summary of the Discussion

Caste, Politics and Indian Federation

Eighth session: Summary of the Discussion

Regionalism, Alienation and Federalism

Centrifugalism in the Indian Federalism: A Sociological Study

Jharkhand Movement: Assertion of Socio-Cultural Identity and the Demand for a Separate State

Uttar Pradesh and Federal Balance in India

Ninth Session: Summary of the Discussion

Concluding Session: Summary of the Discussion
