Author: Ambrose Pinto
Publisher: Indian Social Institute
Year: 1999
Language: English
Pages: 179
ISBN/UPC (if available): 8187218169
Divided into three parts - Experience, Reflection and Action, this book is an outcome of a three day seminar held in Delhi, where over hundred Dalit students pursuing their post-graduate and research degrees attempted to define their identity as Dalits.
Around two hundred and fifty million humans of the country are termed as impure, untouchables and polluted by India's caste system. Where working in the field from dawn to dust, chained to landlords as bonded laborers, working as scavengers, sweepers and in other professions, theirs is a miserable existence. They are not considered as humans at all.
Untouchability remains abolished by the constitution. And yet the fact is that it not only exists but pervades the mental framework of caste people. In this book, privileged students of untouchable community pursuing their research degrees in several universities across the country at their very first national Congress share their experiences, reflect on the reality of their lives and propose an action plan for their liberation from bondage. It is a book of the Dalit students and provides a deep insight into their psyche.
Welcome Speech
Experiences of Discrimination
Experiences of Atrocities
Experiences of Harassment
Prejudices Against Dalit
Dalit Identity
Varna and Oppression
Multi-dimensional Exploitation
Dalit Identity and Student Politics in JNU
Deconstruction and Reconstruction of Dalit Identities in U.P.
Historiographical Critique on the Dalit Movement
Change in Nomenclature : A Historical Note
Formation of Dalit Identity
Dalit Identity in the Ambedkar Era
Dalit Economy and Identity
Psycho-Social Dimensions of Dalit Identity
Dalit Women's Quest for Identity
Religious Conversions and Dalit Identity
Religious and Identity
Our Cripped Identity: United We need to Stand
Dalit Mobilization through Education
Plan of Action for Liberation
Conversion as a Device
Activating Social Capital for Dalit Identity
Final Statement of the National Assembly of Dalit University Students On Dalit Identity