Author: G V Devasthali
Publisher: Popular Prakashan
Year: 1985
Language: English
Pages: 208
ISBN/UPC (if available): 0861320875
This Felicitation Volume in honor of Professor R N Dandekar, the well known Sanskrit scholar and orientalist, carries articles on less familiar topics in the Vedas and Sanskrit Vyakarana contributed by his colleagues and admirers at the Centre of Advanced Study in Sanskrit at the Poona University.
Foreword by Dr. P.L. Vaidya
Curriculum Vitae of Prof, R.N. Dandekar
Writings of Prof, R.N. Dandekar
Paribhasa (Introduction and General Survey)
Sentence-Structure according to Panini
Patanjali's Interpretation of RV 10.71.2
Papmano Vinidhayah : Some Unknown and Less Known Words
The Rsikas (Female Seers) of the Rgveda
On the Galitas in the Padapatha as a Means of Rgvedic Interpretation
On the 'Mystic' Tutha
The Laukika, Vaidika and Yajnika Accentuation with the Munitraya of Sanskrit Grammar
Arya : an Accentual Study
Panini : a Statistical Picture of Sanskrit Sounds-I
Concept of Morality in the Avesta and Rgveda
On the Etymology of Indra
Elevation of the Sacrifice in the Brahmans
Philosophical Thoughts in the Aranyakas
Concept of Kavya in the Rgveda
Erotics in the Yajurveda
The Expressions Bhrgvangirasa maya (GB 1.2.9) and anga parvani (GB 2.1.2)
Parasara in the Vedic and Post-Vedic Literature
Datistan I Denik-Pursisn IV and V : a Study
Principal Abbreviations