Author: B K S Iyengar
Foreword/Introduction: Yehudi Menuhin
Publisher: HarperCollins
Year: 2010
Language: English
Pages: 338
ISBN/UPC (if available): 9788172235420
This unique edition contains a new translation of the sutras, a commentary by the world's leading teacher of yoga, B K S Iyengar and a forward by Yehudi Menuhin, the renowned musician.
Yoga philosophy was first described in the Yoga Sutra, a collection of aphorisms offered more than 2,000 years ago by the Indian sage Patanjali. Sutras were the earliest - and are still the most profound and enlightening - study of human psyche. In them Patanjali describes the enigma of human existence and shows how through Yoga practice, we can transform ourselves, gain mastery over the mind and emotions and overcome obstacles to our spiritual evolution.
This unique edition renders a new translation of the Sutras and also a commentary by the world's leading teacher of Yoga, B K S Iyengar, who has enriched the text with the wealth of his own experience of the subject.
This is an accessible helpful book, of immense value both to students of Indian philosophy and practitioners of Yoga.
Forward by Sir Yehudi Menuhin
Hints on Transliteration and pronunciation
List of Important Terms in the Text
Samadhi Pada
Sadhana Pada
Vibhuti Pada
Kaivalya Pada
Text, Translation and Commentary
Samadhi Pada
Sadhana Pada
Vibhuti Pada
Kaivalya Pada
Appendix 1: A Thematic Key to the Yoga Sutra
Appendix 2: Interconnection of Sutras
Appendix 3: Alphabetical Index of Sutras
Appendix 4 Yoga in Nutshell
List of Tables and Diagrams