Author: P V Rao
Publisher: South Asia Publishers
Year: 2003
Language: English
Pages: 239
ISBN/UPC (if available): 8170032660
The essays in this book examine the nature of India’s responses to some of the emerging forces and issues within the Indian Ocean Region at the dawn of the current millennium.
At the turn of the new millennium, Indian Ocean stood on the threshold of historic changes which forced fundamental policy shifts on its littoral states. India too was forced to respond to these macro shifts at the twilight of the millennium. The burden of transformation which forced policy adjustments in economic governance, adoption to a unipolar power configuration, codification of a new national ocean regime, combating transregional terrorist outfits, confronted her with some irksome posers: the ideological character of the state; a self-defined role as third world leader; a regional power; and a responsible democracy.
The nature of national responses often forced her to be more a follower than a party to the mutating historical processes. In none of the major events of world economic order, transregional megablocs, UN law of the sea and global terrorism – was India a key factor. She was rather called to react, join the sequence of catalysts and recast her place in the new world order. Yet, India did transform with no serious domestic discomfiture to the emerging world order. The deregulatory system, pro-American orientation, extended neighborhood, open regionalism and the eastern drive were broadly carried out with a relative political ease.
Professor Satish Chandra: A Tribute
P V Rao
The Maritime and Naval Dimensions of India’s Security
Rahul Roy Chaudhury
Power on the Sea:
India’s Power Projection in the Indian Ocean
Jyotirmoy Banerjee
India’s Maritime Boundaries in the Indian Ocean:
Problems and Prospects
P C Sinha
Cooperation in Non-Living Resources:
An Indian Perspective
G S Roonwal
India’s Maritime Living Resources:
Problems of Modernization
M Channa Basavaiah
India and Regional Cooperation:
Multiple Strategies in an Elusive Region
P V Rao
Modalities for Convergence of Economic Interests
between India and Asean
Sanjay Ambatkar
Marine Science and Technololgy:
Our Mascot in the New Millennium
Kishore Kumar
Globalization and the Third world City:
Experiences from India
Sheela Prasad and C Ramachandraiah
China’s Emerging Role in Indian Ocean:
India’s Options
Nimmi Kurien