The Management and Ethics - Omnibus

The Management and Ethics - Omnibus

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Author: S K Chakraborty
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Year: 2001
Language: English
Pages: 960
ISBN/UPC (if available): 0195656237


This omnibus comprises three outstanding books by professor S K Chakraborty, a recognized authority on the subject of management and ethics. The books focus on the need for value-driven management and corporate ethics. The author provides here a substantive introduction on the theme.

Management by Values, first published in 1991 is based on the premise that values are as germane as skills for effective management of industrial and commercial organizations. This work shifts focus from the empirical and practical to the ideal and the normative, from organizational to individual values, in the conviction that organizational values essentially stem from individual values rather than reverse. Globally competitive and locally effective organizations ultimately depend on the cultivation of practical ethics and sound human values.

Ethics in management (1995) integrates western management skills and systems with a holistic home-grown cultural ethos. From an overall perspective of Vedantic ethical vision and its application to managerial and corporate ethical morality, it explores what that system can teach us about individual leadership, transformation of the work ethos, ethics and productivity.

Values and Ethics for organization (1998) as a sequel to the previous works, presents case studies to demonstrate the practical application of Vedantic principles an ethics to the real world of business. The cases illustrate the dilemmas and choices of the modern manager- rewards, overtime, transfers, personal growth, debtors and creditors. These are all analyzed using Indian theories and concepts of economic development.

Together, these works emphasize that global competitiveness and performance ultimately depend on cultivation of practical ethics and sound human values, this collection will be an enriching read for students of management and philosophy, practicing managers, HRD professionals and general readers.