Author: Ram Avtar Vir
Publisher: Pankaj Publications
Year: 2001/2006
Language: English
Pages: 48
ISBN/UPC (if available): 8187155337
This book covers everything you need to know to play flute and more - selection and care, reading music, flute History, Flutes around the world and modern Folk This book will appeal to all flutists, from beginning to advance.
A Complete guide for everyone who plays the 'Flute' or ever wanted to. Use it along with flute lessons or even to teach yourself! This book covers everything you need to play flute and more - selection and care, reading music, flute History, Flutes around the world and modern Folk Flutes "Learn to Play on Flute" will appeal to all flutists, from beginning to advance.
Types of Flute
Pitch of Flute
Handing of Flute
The Positions of playing on Bansuri
Notes on Bansuri
Half Tone Notes
Sharp Note
Octave Position in Bansuri
Positions of Notes on Bansuri
Position of Notes of Fixing Sa Notes on other holes
Lengths of Flute
Method of Producing Tune on Flute
Music Notation for Bansuri
Tal Kahrva
Teen Taal
Bilawal Thata
10 Points for the beginners
Full Tone Not Exercise
Half Tone Note Exercise
Sharp Note Exercise
Full Tone Note System
Tune Rag Bilawal
Half Tone Note System
Tune Rag Asawari
Sharp Note System
Tune Rag Yaman
Tune of Band
Film songs with Notations
Songs for Practice without Notation
English Flute