Author: Alexander Rogers
Publisher: LP Publications
Year: 1995
Language: English
Pages: 551
ISBN/UPC (if available): 8186142843
The book is a faithful rendering into English couplets of the great Epic Shah Namah in Persian language by the immortal poet, Fardusi.
The plan adopted has been that of taking the introduction with a portion of the history of the earliest kings of Persia in the mythical and pre-historic ages, and following these with prose translations of the reigns of the best-known monarchs and with various celebrated episodes, such as that of the fight of the hero Rustam and his son Suhrab, and from those epochs down to that of Yazdagird, about A.H. 411 (A.D. 1020), during the period of the history of Persia spanning more than 3500 years. Between these there has been inserted an epitome of the history of the intervening period in prose, so that the whole conveys a full impression of the entire poem.
This is the most faithful rendering in its adherence to the original. The uncompromising fidelity and the method followed by the translator will surely enable the readers to master the peculiarities and intricacies of the original through the medium of the translation.
Invocation to the Deity-Discourse on the Praise of Wisdom-The Creation of the World
The Story of Kayumurs, the first King
Institution of the Saddah Festival-Discovery of Fire
Reign of Jamshid-Institution of Casts
Mardas and his Son Zuhak-Reign and misrule of Zuhak
Birth of Faridun
Faridun goes to war with Zuhak, who is finally killed
Faridun's Reign
The Story of Zal and Rudabah
The Birth of Rustam
Reign of Naozar
Kai Kaus invades Mazandaran, the king of which secures the assistance of Rustam
The seven adventures of Rustam
The Wars between Kai kans and Afrasiab
The history of Suhrab and his contests with his father
Further war between Kans and Afrasiab
Kai Khusru's endeavours to crush Afrasiab, and his journey in pursuit of him
Further journeys of Kai Khusru
Capture and death of Afrasiab
Death of Kai Kans, and mourning of Khusru for him
Depentance of Khusru for his misdeeds
Birth of Zardusht (Zoroaster) and the adoption of his faith by the Gushtasp, Lehrasp and the chiefs of Iran
The remonstrances of Arjasp at the new faith lead to war between Iran and turan
Asfandyar returns to Iran and claims the throne according to the promise of Gushtasp.
Death of Rustam
Bahman, or Ardashir, goes to avenge Asfandyar
The war between Alexander and Darius, and the adventures of Alexander
The history of the dynasty of the Ashkanis, called the Mulukut Tavaif Tava or Miscellaneous Kings.
The reigns of Vazdagird, Hormuz
Reign of Hormuzd
The story of Khusru and Shirin.