Author: M R Kale
Publisher: Motilal Banarsidass
Year: 2008
Language: multilingual
Pages: 188
ISBN/UPC (if available): 8120804201
Consisting of 121 stanzas, The Meghaduta is a small lyrical piece written by Kalidasa, indisputably the greatest master-mind in Sanskrit poetry. This work carries text with Sanskrit commentary of Mallinatha, English translation, notes, appendices and a map.
The Meghaduta is a small lyrical piece written uniformly in the Mandakranta metre, and consisting of 121 stanzas; it is divided into two parts, known respectively as the Purvamegha and the Uttaramegha.
Purvamegha: A certain Yaksha, condemned to banishment for neglect of his duty by his master Kubera, the god of wealth, takes up his abode in Ramagiri in the Vindhya mountains. After spending there eight months in lonely solitude, he sees one day a cloud, huge as an elephant, resting on the peak of the mountain. Knowing that the cloud in its northward course would be visiting Alaka, his home, the love-blinded Yaksha resolves to make the cloud his messenger. Whence the title Meghaduta.
Extract from the Preface to the First Edition
Prefatory Note to the Seventh Edition