Understanding Philosophy

Understanding Philosophy

Product ID: 6011

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Author: James K Feibleman
Publisher: Jaico
Year: 1996
Language: English
Pages: 240
ISBN/UPC (if available): 8172243235


An ideal guide to all the significant attempts that man has made to arrive at the meaning of things in the ancient and modern world. A man of imagination and learning, its author asserts that the chief business of philosophy is to intensify life.

James K Feibleman writes in his preface: Over the years people have often asked me, What is philosophy? Can you recommend a simple account that I could understand without special training? I know nothing at all about philosophy but often feel that there must be something in it for me. This book is written for them.

In this book, the author has achieved what has been regarded as almost impossible: an explanation of what philosophy means and a concise history of its major figures and their ides up to date, in a lucid and simple account written for the guidance of people with no previous training. In effect, Understanding Philosophy comprises a short course for beginners in philosophy as readable as a magazine.