Globalization - Stepping into the One World

Globalization - Stepping into the One World

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Author: Swami Ranganathananda
Asghar Ali Engineer/Eminent Contributors
Translator(s)/ Editors(s): Vedanta Kesari
Publisher: Sri Ramakrishna Math
Year: 2010
Language: English
Pages: 314
ISBN/UPC (if available): 8171208975


Globalization is not simply about opening up the economy; or handing over everything to the private sector. It is taking place at various levels-it is integrating economics: it is changing the face of families; it is universalizing notions of women’s equality, environment, education: and it is changing the role of governments.

It is a fundamental mistake to believe that globalization means only economics liberalization. Globalization is about restructuring of society and the way we live.

It has its downside; it is uneven, fragmented and is still dominated by the west. At another level, it has contributed to the rise of fundamentalism, as people reacted, often violently and irrationally, to what they perceived as a threat to their traditions form globalization.

But all this is no reason for rejecting it. In fact, the world does not have any options. Like it or not, globalization has come to stay and there is no running away from it. The thing is to endure it, adapt it to our needs, and learn to live with it. And the world religions can provide useful guidance in this.


Publisher’s Note

1. True Globalization by Swami Ranganathananda
2. Globalization – Challenge and Response by Swami Brahmeshananda
3. Religion in a Global Society by Swami Adiswarananda
4. Global Dimensions of the Bahai Faith by Jamshed K. Fozdar
5. Buddhist Response to Globalization by Sri K. Dhammananda
6. Christian Response to Globalization by Valson Thampu
7. Hindu Response to Globalization by Vamadeva Shastri
8. Globalization, Islam and Threat to Diversity by Asghar Ali Engineer
9. Jain Dharma as World Religion by Acharya Mahapragya
10. Judaism and Globalization by Rabbi Rami M. Shapiro
11. Globalization – A Sikh Response by Saran Singh
12. Zoroastrianism and Globalization by Apsi T. Contractor
13. Yoga – The Religion for the Global World by T.K.V. Desikachar and Kausthub Desikachar
14. Sri Ramakrishna, the Prophet of Global-Local Synthesis – A Bhavamukha Perspective by Swami Atmapriyananda
15. Holy Mother – The Mother of All by Sudesh
16. Swami Vivekananda and His Global Message by Swami Atmarupananda
17. Global Dimensions of Ramakrishna Movement by Swami Gautamananda
18. Expanding the Boundaries of Love and friendship by Sri Daya Mata
19. Being a Mother in Our Global Society by Carolyn Kenny
20. Global Consciousness by Dr. Karan Singh
21. A People’s Effort to Build Global Peace by Dr. A.T. Ariyaratna
22. A Global Religious Character by Rabbi Asher Block
23. Vasudhaiva Kutunbakam, Not Globalization by P. Parameswaran
24. Global Citizen by Csaba Varga
25. Entering a New Age of Globalization by C. Subramaniam
26. Globalization and Developing Countries by S. Ambirajan
27. Global Commerce and the Multinationals by C. T. Kurien
28. Global Politics and Human Welfare by Mel Gurtov
29. Global Dimensions of National Security by C. V. Narasimhan
30. Global Media and Religion by H. Subramanian
31. Global Voluntary Organizations by Sewa Rural Team