Author: Asim Chaudhuri
Publisher: Advaita Ashram
Year: 2011
Language: English
Pages: 240
ISBN/UPC (if available): 9788175053441
The Profile of Vivekananda as “A Leader has previously never been studied and thought about on its own, especially in the light of modern management and leadership theories. The author of this book has taken the initiative to view Vivekananda in this light and present him to the readers as a model of “a Leader-Manager” or of “the Servant Leadership Concept”.
He shows that Vivekananda preached and practiced the sublime concept of servant-leadership in his life and within his organization eighty years before it was introduced to the corporate world and was accepted as the most singular and powerful statement of leadership concept in modern times.
The author does not claim that this book is a comprehensive treatise on leadership and management, focusing on every trait a leader or manager is expected to possess. It does not deal with quick solutions to managerial problem, nor does it deal with every modern business strategy or management philosophy. It looks at the qualities which radiated through Vivekananda that go to endorse and validate the view that he was an exemplar of one having superb leadership and managerial qualities…
“Arise! Awake! and stop not till the goal is reached.”
“The Attributes and Thoughts of an Extraordinary Leader-Manager”.
--- A Perfect Embodiment of the Servant-Leadership Concept
Can a leader be made my brother? A Leader is born. Do you understand? And it is a very difficult task to take on the role of a leader. One must be dasasya dasa – a servant of servants, and must accommodate a thousand minds. There must not be a shade of jealousy or selfishness, then you are a leader. First, by birth and secondly, unselfish – that’s a leader… Everybody wants to be a leader, but it is the failure to grasp that he [the leader] is born, that causes all the mischief…
--- Swami Vivekananda
“… I greatly value this book from two standpoints: first as one of millions of disciples and beneficiaries of swamiji’s timeless inspiration, and secondly, as a lifelong student of management, including the important subject of leadership.
… Chaudhuri has gone into many well-known management theories and concepts and related them to Swamiji teachings and actions. Swamiji was a born leader. His quest was ‘Man-Making.” In the process he also inspired people and developed leaders. He had done that, both within his organization and outside. He continues to do this, beyond his lifetime, by the power of his heritage. He may be regarded as a Chiranjeevi (Deathless, Eternal) mentor of leaders. He had charisma, but deployed it for the good of humanity and not for personal power and pleasure. He led through service, and exhorted his fellow-monks, juniors, audiences and readers to do likewise.
… Chaudhuri’s achievement in bringing out this book is commendable in many ways.”
--- Dr. Mrityunjay Athreya Management Guru Mentor – Custommerce
A Short Biographical Sketch of Vivekananda
Chapter One – Leadership and Vivekananda
1. Some Definitions – How Vivekananda Fits in
2. Leaders – Born or Made?
3. No Followers – No Leader
4. Leadership and Charisma
5. Servant – Leadership
6. Paradigm Shift
7. Leadership and Management
Chapter Two – Leadership Traits (and Managerial Skills) of Vivekananda
8. Having a Vision
9. A Bias for Action
10. Capacity for Empathy
11. Capacity for Empowerment
12. Organizing Power
13. Aligning Goals and Objectives
14. Developing People
15. Integrity
16. Self – Confidence
17. Fairness
18. Propensity for Hard Work
19. Ability to Transform others
20. Communication Skill
21. Wisdom Magnanimity
22. Being Impersonal
23. Patience
24. Building Loyalty
25. Interpersonal Skills
26. Unselfishness
27. Process Focus
28. Root Cause Emphasis
29. Constancy of Purpose
30. Sense of Humor
31. Foresight
Chapter Three – Managing Paradoxes
32. Promptitude
33. Managing Money
34. Internal Conflict
35. Commoners and the Elite
Chapter Four – Vivekananda Unbound – Beyond Traits and Skills
36. Man-making Education
37. Influence of Nature’s Three Forces
38. Human Capital
39. Personal Mastery
40. Core Competence
Chapter Five – Measuring Leader’s Accomplishment
41. Did the Leader Grow the Enterprise?
42. Did the Leader’s Enterprise Achieve some Level of Prominence?
Abbreviations and Short Forms Used in the References