The Stages of A - Khrid Meditation

The Stages of A - Khrid Meditation

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Author: Bru-sgom rGyal-ba g.yung-drung
Translator(s)/ Editors(s): Per Kvaerne and Thupten K. Rikey
Publisher: Library of Tibetan Works & Archives
Year: 2004
Language: English
Pages: 108
ISBN/UPC (if available): 8186470034


The Stages of A – Khird Meditation presents one tradition of the system of meditation known as ‘‘the Great Perfection’’ (rdzogs pa chenpo), in the from of a methodical and practical guide written to assist those noble beings who set themselves the task of leading others to enlightenment through the practice of the Great Perfection.

The A-Khrid (‘‘the Teachings regarding the Ultimati Origin (A)’’) is believed to have a historical source in the great lama called rMe’u dGongs-mdzod (1038-1096). The text given here is a condensed version of his original composition, written by Bru-sgom rGyal-ba g. yung-drung (1242-1296).

All readers with an interest in rDzogs-chen –which is common to both the Nyingmapa school of Tibetan Buddhism and the Tibetan Bon tradition – will gain great benefit from the lucid and compelling translation contained in this book. The Tibetan text has been included for scholars of Tibetan religious and literary culture.


1. Meditation on Impermanence (Session One)
2. Taking Refuge after Having Cultivated Bodhicitta
(Session Two)
I. Bodhicitta Cultivation
II. Taking Refuge
III. Confession of Sins

3. Mandala Offering: a means to complete the accumulation of merit.
4. Entreaty: a means to receive full blessings (Session four)

Part Two: The Actual Body of Practice

1. Mental Grasping
I. Control of the body
II. The Gaze
III. The Vow

2. The Equipoising
I. Spiritual exertion for the obtaining of stability
II. Spiritual exertion for the procuring of benefit

3. The Confrontation with the Substance of Ultimate Nature
I. Discerning of Spontaneous Wisdom
II. Casting off defilements produced by the intellect
III. Gaining of Control over Stainless Windom

Appendix: The Similes
Appendix: Index of Lamas, Index of Texts
Appendix: Glossary of Technical Terms
Appendix: Outline of the Original Text

Tibetan text