Religious Basis of Hindu Beliefs

Religious Basis of Hindu Beliefs

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Author: Bhojraj Dwivedi
Publisher: Diamond
Year: 2006
Language: English
Pages: 182
ISBN/UPC (if available): 8128812394


Sanatan Hindu Dharma (Perennial Hindu Religion) is like a huge banyan tree. Different kinds of faiths and beliefs have merged into it from time immemorial. As a consequence, the branches and sub-branches of Hindu religion also grew. Is there any scientific basis of the faith and values propagated in Hinduism?

A very large section of people with faith in Hindu Sanatan Dharma wants that every faith and belief of this religion should not be subjected to scientific test. A man of faith is theist, while a scientific mind is atheist in nature. A harmony between the two may indicate a state of dilemma. Therefore, more discussion should take place on religious basis of beliefs prevalent in society so that we can know better the origin and religious thinking behind our beliefs.

Internationally acclaimed Vaastu-Shastri and Jyotishacharya, Dr. Bhojraj Dwivedi, is a rare signature of invincible time. More than 258 books on Astrology, Vaastu-shastra, Cheiromancy, Numerology, Figure Science, Yantra-Tantra-Mantra Science, Karmakand and priesthood written by Dr. Bhojraj Dwivedi, the founder of the International Vaastu Association, are read in many languages in India and abroad.


About the Book

1. What is punya (piety)?
2. What is sin?
3. What is shuchi?
4. What is ashuchi?
5. What is the difference between shuchita and swatchhata?
6. Which drink is considered pure in Hindu Sanatan Dharma?
7. Why is the water of the Ganges pure?
8. Why is Peepal tree considered holy?
9. Which among the metals is considered pure and which impure?
10. Why are the earthenware’s considered impure in comparison with metalwares?
11. What is jad (dead)?
12. What is sthool?
13. What is sukshma?
14. Kindly clarify the difference between sukshma and sthool.
15. What is drishta?
16. What is adrishta?
17. Give some examples of the adrishta and the drishta from the shastras (scriptures).
18. What is aadi?
19. What is anadi?
20. What is s-ani?
21. What is anani?
22. How many kinds or varieties do proofs have?
23. What is guess proof?
24. What is direct proof?
25. What are aapta vakya (word) proofs?
26. Which is the strongest (main) proof among them all? Clarify through examples.
27. What is pratyakshavada?
28. What is parokshavada?
29. Who is an aastik?
30. Who is a naastik?
31. What is snatan?
32. What is vicar?
33. What is Brahma Muhurta?
34. What is the advantage of getting up in Brahma Muhurta?
35. Why should one see one’s palms after getting up in the morning?
36. Whom should we see on getting up in the morning?
37. When should a man keep silent?
38. Why should a person keep silent during urine and stool discharge?
39. Why should a person not pass stool or urine on the way?
40. What is pranayama?
41. What results follow pranayama?
42. How can a man attain desired age through pranayama?
43. How is the wished-death possible through pranayama?
44. What is sankalp?
45. Why sankalp?
46. What are the characteristics of sankalp?
47. Why is water taken during sankalp?
48. What is aachaman?
49. Why is the string of beads worn round the neck?
50. What are the scientific reasons behind wearing a string?
51. What are the various advantages of different strings?
52. Why do people fold hands before a food plate (thali)?
53. Why is food offered to God as bhog?
54. Please tell us some rules regarding food in Indian culture.
55. What is Balivaishvadev?
56. What is panch-gras?
57. What is panch-vidha hatya?
58. Why is food prohibited in copper vessels?
59. Why should we not sleep during the day?
60. Tell us the scientific reason behind it.
61. What is the meaning of the word dwij?
62. Why a Brahmin is called Dwij?
63. What is samskr?
64. How many varieties are there of samskara?
65. What are the names of the sixteen samskaras?
66. Why garbhadhan?
67. Why punsavan?
68. Why seemantonnayan?
69. Why jaatkaram?
70. Why namakarna?
71. Why nishkraman?
72. Why annaprashan?
73. Why choodakarma?
74. Why upnayan?
75. Why vivah samskar?
76. Why antyesti samskar?
77. Why is ‘Hari Om’ pronounced in the beginning of mantras?
78. Why is Ganesh worshipped first?
79. Why is Ganapati lambodar?
80. Why is mouse the carrier of Ganapati?
81. Why do nav-graha pujan?
82. Why is Brahmin alone entitled to accept charity?
83. Why should worship and other religious ceremonies be performed by the Brahmins only?
84. Why Brahmin is called a God?
85. Why should Brahmin be given more respect than otherwise in public dealings?
86. What is yagyopaveeta?
87. Then what is upnayan?
88. What does janeu mean?
89. Why Brahmasutra?
90. Why vrata-bandh?
91. Why maunji-bandhan?
92. What are the commonly accepted rules of yagyopaveeta?
93. When should the yagyopaveeta be changed and why?
94. Why are there three threads in a yagyopaveeta?
95. Why should a married man wear a yagyopaveeta of six threads?
96. Why two yagyopaveetas?
97. Why 96 chavvas in a yagyopaveeta?
98. How broad and long should the yagyopaveeta be?
99. Why Brahma granthi?
100. How many forms of marriages are there?
101. Why is bana done before marriage?
102. Why tani (mandha)?
103. Why Dhruv-darshan after marriage?
104. What is ‘chhan’?
105. Why jatrey (going round the village) after marriage?
106. Why vanaprastha ashram?
107. Why sanyas?
108. What are the things done at the time of death?
109. What are the other worldly benefit of sandhya?
110. Why tulsi leaves and Ganga watergiven at the last time?
111. Why deepdaan offered at the lat time?
112. Why kapal-kriya?
113. What is phool?
114. Why are religious activities necessary after death?
115. On which day is the death considered meaningful?
116. Which are the days when death is considered undesirable and condemned?
117. What is this concept of 33 crore gods?
118. Who are these 33 gods?
119. Who are 8 Vasus, tell their names?
120. Tell us the names of 11 Rudras.
121. Tell us the names of Rudranis and the places of their residence.
122. Tell us the names of Adityas, along with their months and rays.
123. Is saying ‘Good Morning’ not practical?
124. Is saying ‘Namaste’ not practical?
125. If this is so, then why the word ‘Namaste’ is used in the Vedic and Sanskrit literature at many places?
126. Is handshake too undesirable?
127. How should we greet others?
128. What is the benefit of touching feet?
129. How should God be addressed/greeted?
130. Why sashtang pranam?
131. How is panch-gavya formed?
132. Why wife is called vamangi?
133. What are the occasions when wife sits to the left of her husband?
134. When does the wife sit to the right of her husband?
135. What is this matter of left and right?
136. Why were foreign travels prohibited in earlier ages?
137. Why is there a difference between Manushya, Purush, Adami, Manav and Insan?
138. What is ‘Ilme Hindsa’? Why is it connected with India?
139. Who is a Hindu?
140. In Hindu religion more emphasis is placed on faith and belief. Why so?
141. Who is ‘Arya’?
142. Who is a Sikh?
143. Who is a ‘Jain’?
144. Who are Buddhists?
145. Who is a Sanatani?
146. Who are Arya-samajis?
147. Are the Sanatanis, Arya-samajis, Sikhs, Jains and Buddhists considered in the category of Hindus?
148. Does a man become pious by sunnat?
149. What is the arrangement of distribution of earned wealth in the Hindu way of life?
150. Is varna vyavastha scientific?
151. Did Shudras ever get a place of respect or noble post under the varna vyavastha?
152. Why is unusual importance attached to the Brahmins? Tulsi Das at one place has said, “(worship a Brahmin, even if he does not have knowledge and good traits). Likewise it is stated in Manu smriti that a dwij is the best even if he is debased. Is it not a prejudice in favour of Brahmanism?
153. Does the varna vyavastha apply to men only? Do the shastras offer more evidence?
154. Did Sanatan Hindu religion consider the welfare of Non-Hindus?
155. Is varna vyavastha based on birth, or on sanskaras?
156. Why does the Sanatan Hindu Dharma not recognize intercaste marriage?
157. What is the status of woman in Indian culture?
158. Is God one or many? Generally, in all religions and communities on God has been accepted as a Divine Soul. But Hindu religion has various kinds of Gods such as Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh, Indra, Varun, Ganesh, Hanuman etc. Why so?
159. What is Devata?
160. Why can we not see gods?
161. What is the secret behind 33 crore gods?
162. Why does Lakshmi massage the feet of Lord Vishnu?
163. What is the secret behind calling Lakshmi Chanchala (fickle) in the scriptures?
164. Suppose we take Shri Ram as the incarnation of Vishnu. Parashuram was also the incarnation of Vishnu at the same time. They had some altercation at Sita’s swayamvar. So two incarnations at one time: how can God appear in many forms at one time?
165. Let us assume that Ram, Krishna etc. were gods. So when, after incarnation, Ram sat on his throne, then the whole world was rendered godless, because God had squeezed himself into a human form and descended on the earth. This process seems to impede God being omnipresent. Kindly clarify it.
166. Why does the omnipotent God require taking an incarnation?
167. Why do the avatars not have moustaches? In all the pictures and statues of Ram and Krishna, one sees in markets and temples, they appear as youths of 16 years. Though Ram and Krishna had grandchildren, yet there are no beards or moustaches on their faces. Why?
168. When God is the protector and nourisher of the whole universe, then how is it that all his incarnations have taken place in India alone?
169. Is there a difference between Vishnu and Shiv, as Vaishnavites and Shaivaites continuously quarrel over their favourite gods?
170. How will the omnipresent and formless God be pleased with the worship of dead stone?
171. Why there are no hands and feet to Shaligram and Shivling?
172. During worship and rituals was across such direction that one particular thing should be offered to a God, and not the other. When all the things have been given by God, then why this discrimination of things between gods? Is it not Pope-leela?
173. Why should we offer Prasad to God?
174. Does God eat? If he does, then why does the offering not diminish?
175. Are mantras ‘illegal’?
176. Who is a child from religious standpoint?
177. Who is a father from religious standpoint?
178. Who is old?
179. How do you measure greatness?
180. What is Brahma-varchasva?
181. Can a Brahmin, younger in age, call persons older to him as Guru or Son?
182. Can a child pandit Brahmin call an elderly Brahmin or his relatives as his disciple or son?
183. What is the difference between water and Jal?
184. Why should Ma not be addressed as mummy?
185. What is the difference between Ma and Mother?
186. One should not address father as daddy or dad?
187. Shouldn’t we call bhabhi, sister-in-law?
188. What is the meaning of ‘one’ from religious point of view?
189. According to religious beliefs how many lokas are there?
190. What are the names of the three lokas?
191. How many Vedas are there?
192. Tell us the names of four Vedas.
193. How many elements are there?
194. Kindly tell us their names.
195. How many seasons are there?
196. Kindly tell us their names.
197. How many sounds (swar) are there?
198. Kindly tell the names of seven sounds.
199. From the point of view of Astrology, how many hours are there in one prahar?
200. How many prahars are there in day and night?
201. Kindly tell us the names of eight prahars.
202. What is bhakti (devotion)?
203. Kindly tell us the names of navadha bhakti.
204. How many directions are there?
205. Kindly tell us the names of the directions.
206. Who is a Digpal?
207. How many Digpals are there?
208. Kindly tell us the names of ten Digpals.
209. What is a trivritta?
210. Why are Navaratra and Navanha yajna performed/ organized in Chaitra and Ashwin months only?
211. Why Raksha-bandhan?
212. Why is so much significance attached to religious pilgrimage in India?
213. There are many teerthas of Hindus, but there are only four dhams. Why?
214. Why go-gras and kak-shvan sacrifice in shraddha?
215. Why dakshina to the Brahmin?
216. Dis the Vedic Rishis eat meat in the ancient period?
217. Is it necessary to offer sacrifice of meat and wine according to Karmakand and Tantra shastra?
218. Were there gomedha and narmedha?
219. What is the psychological reason behind taking cat as ominous?
220. What is the psychological reason behind considering a he-buffalo ominous?
221. While laying the foundation, why do Hindus put a snake and a kalash in the ground?
222. Why are steel, iron and aluminium prohibited in worship?
223. How are metals purified?
224. Why should one see a mirror?
225. What is the utility of wearing clothes?
226. Why should turban be worn?
227. Any special remedy to save oneself from defects of eyesight?
228. Why should one wear flowers?
229. What are bases of Holi as per shastras?
230. Who was Dhundhala, a she-demon?
231. What is the name for Holi Havan?
232. What is the significance of Holikotsava?
233. What is the procedure of dahan of Holika?
234. When should Holi be set on fire?
235. How is shakun considered in respect to Holi?
236. What is pooja?
237. Who should perform the Vedic pooja and who the Pauranik pooja?
238. What is panchopachar poojan?
239. What is a dashopachar poojan?
240. What is shadasopachar poojan?
241. What is rajopachar pooja?
242. What are the things prohibited in poojan?
243. What is compulsory before the worship of Shankar and Vishnu?
244. Which metal statues ca be worshipped at home?
245. How big can the statues can be worshipped at home be?
246. What are the names of the parshads of Shiva? Where are they remembered?
247. Where are the Shiva-lings required to be in-spirited? And where not?
248. Can a single statue be worshippes at home? And, how many statues, worth worshipping, can be placed?
249. Which god likes which flower?
250. What is Shiva-panchayat?
251. Which god will be placed wherein Shiva-panchayat?
252. What is dashang dhoop?
253. What is shodasang dhoop?
254. What is ashtagandha? How many varieties does it have?
255. What directions should we follow regarding good conduct with friends according to Hindu shastras?
256. Tell us the directions to be followed about charity/donations.
257. What should not be done according to Hindu shastras?
258. Why is Lakshmi unhappy with Brahmins?
259. Who are the propounding Rishis of ashtadash jyotish shastras?
260. When and how Dattaatreya Jayanti celebrated?
261. What is Champa Sashthi?
262. When and how is Geeta Jayanti celebrated?
263. What is pradosh? Why is this fast undertaken?
264. When is Sankastha Chaturthi observed and how?
265. When and how is Safla Ekadashi celebrated?
266. What is the significance of mandanas (folk-painting on the ground and walls)?
267. When is New Year celebrated in India?
268. What is the significance of a new year?
269. How is new year celebrated?
270. What is Arundhati Vrata? When is it observed?
271. How are mandanas of Gangaur made?
272. When is Gangaur fast observed and how?
273. When does Ramnavami occur? How is it observed?
274. What is Kamada Ekadashi? When is it observed?
275. When does does Hanuman Jayanti occur? How is it celebrated?
276. What is Varuthini Ekadashi? When is it observed?
277. When does Akshaya tritiya occur? How is it observed?
278. When is Shankaracharya Jayanti observed? How is it celebrated?
279. Where are the four peeths of Shankaracharya?
280. When is Surdas Jayanti celebrated?
281. When does Ramanujacharya Jayanti fall?
282. When and why is Ganga Saptami celebrated?
283. What is Mohini Ekadashi? When is it celebrated?
284. How How and when is Nrisingh Chaturdashi celebrated?
285. When and how are Buddha Purnima and Buddha Jayanti celebrated?
286. When and how is the fast of Vat Savitri undertaken? What is its complete procedure?
287. When does Nirjala Ekadashi fall? What is its significance?
288. When does Kabir Jayanti occur?
289. When and how is Ganga Dasahra celebrated?
290. What is Rath Yatra? When and how is it celebrated?
291. What is the difference between Goga Panchami and Nag Panchami?
292. When does Hariyali Teej occur? How is it celebrated?
293. When does Nah Panchami occur? How is it celebrated?
294. When is Tulsi Jayanti celebrated?
295. What is Raksha-bandhan? What is Shravani Karma? How and when are these two festivals celebrated?
296. When does Govatsa Dvadashi (Bachhabaras) occur and how is it celebrated?
297. What is Kushotpatini Amavasya? When does it occur? What is done on that day?
298. What is the significance of Halshashthi? When does it occur?
299. When is Janamashtami celebrated?
300. When is Hartalika fast observed? What is its method?
301. What is Dubri satam? How it is observed?
302. What is Anant Chaturdashi? When is it celebrated?
303. When and how Ganesh Chaurthi is celebrated?
304. What is Jivitpuyrika fast? When is it observed?
305. When does the Shraddha-paksha begin?
306. When does Navratri begin? How is it observed?
307. Are there more Navratris in addition to this?
308. What are the things or days for manifest and undisclosed navratris?
309. When is Vijay Dashami or Dasahra celebrated, and how?
310. What is Sharad Purnima? How is it celebrated?
311. When and why Karva Chauth is observed?
312. What is Ahoi Ashtami? When and how is it celebrated?
313. What is Tulsi Ekadashi?
314. When does Dhantrayodashi or Dhanteras occur? How is it celebrated?
315. When and how is Narak Chaturdashi celebrated?
316. What is the Pauranic legend behind it?
317. Wha is the proper procedure of celebrating Deepawali?
318. When and how is Annakut celebrated?
319. When and how is Bhaiduj celebrated?
320. What is the Pauranic secret and story of Bhaiduj?
321. What is a Devotthani Ekadashi?
322. What is Dev Deepavali or Tripuira Purnima? How is it celebrated?
323. What is the Pauranic secret of Tripura Purnima?
324. When does Kal Bhairavashtami occur? How is it celebrated?
325. When and how is Putrada Ekadashi celebrated?
326. When and how is Makar Sankranti celebrated?
327. When does Shattila Ekadashi occur? How is it celebrated?
328. When does Mauni Amavasya occur? What is its significance?
329. When and why is Vinayal Chaturthi celebrathi?
330. What is the story behind Vinayak Chaturthi?
331. When and how is Basanti Panchami celebrated?
332. What is the Pauranic story of Basant Panchami? How is it related to Saraswati?
333. When does Sheetala Shashthi occur? What is its significance?
334. What is the fast of Achala Saptami? How is it observed?
335. When is Bhishmashtami celebrated? What is its method of celebration?
336. What is the story behind Jaya Ekadashi?
337. What is the significance of magh Snan? How is it to be performed?
338. What and how is Vijaya Ekadashi observed?
339. When and how is the fast of Mahashivaratri observed?
340. What is Avighnakar Vrat? How is it observed?
341. When and how is Sitaashtami observed?
342. How and when is Aamlki Ekadashi observed?
343. Why, When and how is Sheetalashtami observed?
344. When and how is paapmochini Ekadashi observed?

About the Author