State and Nation in the Context of Social Change - Vol. 1

State and Nation in the Context of Social Change - Vol. 1

Product ID: 2559

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Author: T V Sathyamurthy
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Year: 1997
Language: English
Pages: 365
ISBN/UPC (if available): 019564106X


This book, put together by eleven reputable social scientists will help us make a choice from the plethora of theories and paradigms in India.

The Project on 'Social Change and Political Discourse in India' was started in January 1989. The four volumes resulting from it have appeared during the two years between mid-1994 and mid-1996. The aim of the project is to produce a set of studies that would concentrate on the political dimension of the different facets of change in India that can be identified.

This volume explores the political dynamic of India's contemporary state structures in their evolution from the colonial to the post-colonial era. Differing political and constitutional aspects of state formation are explored against the backdrop of the historic and dominant role played by the Indian National Congress in the independence struggle and the assumption of power by the Congress Party at Independence.

The contributors' principal conclusions relate to the failure of the Constitution to deliver on the premises contained in its provisions in such crucial spheres of the politics as the relations between the Centre and the States, between the bureaucracy and the elected executives at various levels of government, access to opportunities for the deprived sections of society, and the removal of gender inequality and oppression.

COMMENTS: An erudite treasury of modern political thought .. Eleven scholarly attempts to put together a single uninterrupted discourse on the political dynamic that has compelled the state structure to evolve from the colonial to the present era. - - The Telegraph

The Book offers some intuitive insights and significant hunches. - - Business Standard


T V Sathyamurthy is Professor of Politics, University of York, U.K.