Great Christians  -  Commemorated by the Indian Church

Great Christians - Commemorated by the Indian Church

Product ID: 25463

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Author: R W Bryan
Publisher: ISPCK
Year: 2009
Language: English
Pages: 87
ISBN/UPC (if available): 8172143362


This book contains short biographical notes on the notable Christians commemorated in the Calendar of the Indian Church.

It is intended primarily for the guidance of the clergy and others who conduct public worship; but it also provides for the general reader an informative and readable account of the great Christians whom the Church delights to honour and to hold up for our example.

Its value is increased by the addition of suggested subjects for prayer, showing the relevance of these commemorations for the Church in its mission to the contemporary world.


Aaron of Tranquebar
Abdul Masih
Abraham Malpan of Kerala
Ambrose of Milan
Andrews, Charles Freer
Anselm of Canterbury
Antony of Egypt
Aquinas, Thomas
Athanasius of Alexandria
Augustine of Canterbury
Augustine of Hippo
Azariah, V.S. of Dornakal
Bannerji, Kali Charan of Bengal
Banerji, Krishna Mohan of Bengal
Basil of Caesarea
Benedict of Nursia
Bernard of Clairvaux
Blessed Virgin Mary, Nativity of the
Blesses Virgin Mary, Visitation of the
Boniface of Germany
Bose, Mathura Nath of Chandpore
Bunyan, John
Calvin, John of Geneva
Carey, William of Serampore
Chrysostom, John
Clement of Alexandria
Columba of Iona
Cyprian of Carthage
Cyril of Jerusalem
Damien, Joseph of Molokai
De Nobili, Robert of Madurai
Delhi, The Martyrs of
Dey, Lal Behari of Bengal
Dhanjibhai Naoroji of Bombay
Duff, Alexander
Francis of Assisi
Frumentius of Ethiopia
Goreh, Nehemiah
Gregorios, Mar of Parumalai
Gregory the Great
Heber, Reginald
Ignatius of Loyola
Ignatius of Antioch
Innocents, The Holy
Irenaeus of Lyons
Japan, The Martyrs of
Jesus, The Holy Name of
John of the Cross
Judson, Adoniram of Burma
Kempis, Thomas a
Krishna Pal of Serampore
Lawrence, Brother
Luther, Martin
Marth & Mary of Bethany
Martyn, Henry
New Guinea, The Martyrs of
Newton, John of the Punjab
Nundy, Gopinath of Fatepur
Patrick of Ireland
Perpetua & Felicitas
Peter’s Deliverance from Prison
Philip & James
Pillai, N.D. of Smyrna
Ramabai, Pandit of Poona
Rudra, Pyari Mohan of Poona
Rudra, Pyari Mohan of Bengal
Sadhu Sundar Singh
Schwartz, Christian Frederick
Seshadri, Narayan of Jalna
Simon & Jude
Solomon, Vethappan
Teresa of Avila
Thana, The Martyrs of
Tilak, Narayan Vaman
Uganda, The Martyrs of
Wesley, John & Charles
Wilson, Daniel
Wilson, John of Bombay
Xavier, Francis
Ziegenbalg & Plutschau