Popular French Stories

Popular French Stories

Product ID: 23891

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Author: A Compilation
Publisher: Indiana
Year: 2008
Language: English
Pages: 282
ISBN/UPC (if available): 8184081243


This volume does not present a survey of the French stories. It is a collection of Exciting Reading. It begins with a famous legend of horror from the seventeenth century and ends with the story of an epic drunk in twentieth century New York.

In between are tales by classicist, romanticists, realists, moralists and fanatics. Some are gay; some are sad. Some are stories of action; some are stories of emotions.


Blur Beard

Jeannot and Colin

The Executioner


Mimi Pinson

The Venus of Ille

The Crimson Curtain

Zodomirsky's Duel

The Siege of Berlin

The Legends of St. Julian The Hospitaller

The Maids of the Dauber

A Wife's Confessions

Oliver's Brag

The Extraordinary Adventures of MadameEsquollir

The Stricken Doe

Monsieur U