Author: Sri Ramana Maharshi
Publisher: Sri Ramanasramam
Year: 2016
Language: English
Pages: 78
ISBN/UPC (if available): 9788188018023
Instead of making a vain attempt to give a brief autobiography of the reknown Sage Sri Ramana Maharshi one is tempted to reproduce the glorious tribute Paul Brunton (A Search In Secret India) has paid.
"The words of this Sage still flame out in my memory like beacon of lights. "I pluck golden fruit from rare meetings with wise men," wrote trans-Atlantic Emerson in his diary, and it is certain that I plucked whole basketfuls during my talks with this man. Our best philosophers of Europe could not hold a candle to him..."
Doubts occur to all seekers on the spiritual path. The precise answers given by Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi in these pages represent the quintessence of Divine Wisdom.
Bhagavan speaks from the peak of spiritual experience. Every word represents the essence of Upanishadic wisdom.
The devout reader who studies these pages to whatever religion he/she may belong is sure to gain the conviction that his/her essential nature is divine. He will be guided to the core of his Being, the Heart.
2. Work and Renunciation
3. Silence and Solitude
4. Mind-control
5. Bhakti and Jnana
6. Self and Individuality
7. Self-realization
8. Guru and His Grace
9. Peace and Happiness
1. Self-enquiry
2. Sadhana and Grace
3. The Jnani and the World
4. The Heart is the Self
5. The Place of the Heart
6. Aham and Aham-Vritti