136 Incredible Coincidences

136 Incredible Coincidences

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Author: Vikas Khatri
Publisher: Pustak Mahal
Year: 2006
Language: English
Pages: 126
ISBN/UPC (if available): 8122309356


The book, as its title suggests, is a spellbinding and absorbing chronicle of incredible occurrences encompassing myriads of people, including Jefferson, Lincoln, Hitler, Stalin, Charlie Chaplin, Arthur Conan Doyle, Kennedy, Reagan and footballer Pele.

• Both Lincoln and Kennedy died on Friday, had seven-letter names
and were killed by bullets that entered the head from behind.
• Hitler and Stalin bore striking similarities.
• Pele wore jersey number ten and lived in room number ten.
• Reagan saved the lives of seventy-seven people in seven years.

Well-documented and illustrated, the book is a rich mine of incredible incidents and entertainment, popping up facts, places, time and characters with a mesmerizing effect. For readers, it is a treasure house of things extraordinary to delve into and experience all over again.


1. Twenty-one
2. Cloudy Meetings
3. The Subway that Stopped
4. Nursing Other’s Daughter
5. Great Grandmother
6. Adams and Jefferson
7. Arrested In-flight
8. Hot Tips
9. Doppelganger
10. What a Duplicate?
11. An Obligation Paid
12. Playwright’s Premonition
13. The Spirit of a Child
14. Adoption Anniversary
15. The Capuchin Monk
16. 7onald 7eagan
17. One Good Tourniquet...
18. Ghost of the Air
19. Brawn Hotel
20. Unforgettable Number
21. First Passerby
22. Yankee Prisoners
23. A Jinxed Train
24. Lincoln and Kennedy
25. Golden Pen
26. Generation Gap
27. It Finished Seven
28. Fatal Car Accident
29. Tehran Club
30. Optimistic Expectations
31. Two Patients
32. Struggling Family
33. Facts and Future
34. The Duelist
35. The Unhappy Couple
36. Similar Assassins
37. The Last Tsar of Russia
38. The Bank Robbery
39. Three Names
40. A Baby Fall
41. Violent Storm
42. Registered Birth
43. An Established Bond
44. Never Believe This
45. Martial Art Sect
46. Hitler and Stalin
47. Story of a Coincidence
48. The Prophetic Photograph
49. Pele scores Ten
50. Taxi Number
51. Chewing Bait
52. Heart to Heart
53. Rejection Manuscript
54. The Unfortunate Anagram
55. A Shared Fate
56. A Day for Politics
57. The Escaped Spy
58. Bookmark
59. Assemblage in Paris
60. False Prescription
61. Another Plane Story
62. The 11-Digit Number
63. Identical Twin Boys
64. Eighteen, Eighteen
65. Allah is great
66. Same Titles
67. Swiss Twirl
68. Iraqi Nuclear Reactor
69. One Big Coincidence
70. They Survived
71. Unfortunate Coincidence
72. As Carl Jung Told
73. Difference Between Mysticism
74. The Girl From Petrovka
75. Familiar Eyes !
76. Lightning Knocked Twice
77. Revenue Relationship
78. A Case of Kimono
79. Double Exposure
80. Clocking Out
81. Political Kidnapping
82. 1942 Penny
83. The Unfailing Pistol
84. Different Reasons
85. Bullet That killed
86. Reburial of an Actor
87. A Couple from Leningrad
88. Death 157 Years Apart
89. Experts Fooled
90. Fiery Stories
91. Cannonball Curse
92. The Golden Matchbox
93. Emperor Franz of Austria
94. Shipping Disaster
95. Coincidence at Sea
96. The Plum Pudding
97. The Relevant Papyrus
98. Popal Coincidence
99. Bald for 35 Years
100. Common Lives
101. Two Births
102. Conceived at the Same Time
103. Written on the Wind
104. Crossword Puzzle
105. Canadian Mounted Police
106. Greenberry Hill
107. Travelling Mates
108. Birthday Coincidences
109. Valentine’s Day
110. Winning Numbers
111. Rare Parts
112. The Toss of a Coin
113. An Iceberg in the Sky
114. 7incoln 700
115. The Third President
116. The Lucky Survivors
117. The 13th Day of a Month
118. Number 17
119. The Fishy Stench
120. Four Principles
121. Twin Lives
122. Breath test machine
123. Nine Lives
124. A Rebirth Symbol
125. Twittering Movements
126. Cry of Wild Goose
127. Time of Death
128. It Ceased Raining
129. Book of Chance
130. Identical Tattoos
131. The Bizarre Story
132. Important 119
133. Highway 94
134. Fateful Reunion
135. Hitler and Chaplin’s Mo
136. Fellow of King’s College