Author: Kalpana Swaminathan
Publisher: IndiaInk
Year: 2007
Language: English
Pages: 219
ISBN/UPC (if available): 9788186939352
A New Lalli Mystery
It is a Carrolian summer as a series of irrational and inexplicable events rock Utkrusha, aka Building, and Lalli must confront murder at home.
On the stroke of seven, death annexed Mr. Rao…
Building has four floors and four flats on each floor, making sixteen homes in all. Fifteen of these would thrill at the thought of something happening to Mr. Rao.
Mr. Rao made it his business to know every body and very soon, all made it their business not to know him.
In curiosity, Mr. Rao was a very Elephant’s Child. “Let but a fly a fart in Building,” Patherphaker said coarsely, “Mr. Rao knows about it even before the fly does.”
Mr. Rao believed in the citizen’s right to information, From him came the news that Mrs. Kamath’s gynecologist had refused to oblige with a fifth abortion, from him why Ramachandran’s daughter’s wedding was precipitately called off, from him the story behind Pahtherphaker’s premature retirement and from his too the truth about Kumudben’s nervous breakdown.
Then, just as Building decided something must be done about it, Mr. Rao died, upsetting them all.
The second in the series, that has taken the subcontinent by storm.
The Mad Gardener’s Song by Lewis Carroll
1. The Curious adventure of the Banker’s
2. The Strange Behaviour of the sister’
Husband’s Niece
3. A bear Without its Head
4. The rattlesnake That Questioned Him in
5. A letter from His Wife
6. Excursion on a Damp Night
7. The Peculiar Vegetable Pill
8. The Argument of a Bar of Mottled Soap
9. The Gardener’s Song
10. And all its Mystery is Clear as Day to Me