

Product ID: 22658

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Author: Arun Sadhu
Publisher: National Book Trust
Year: 2007
Language: English
Pages: 276
ISBN/UPC (if available): 9788123749617


A leading industirialised state of India, Maharashtra historically stands at the cross-road of the North and the South of the Indian sub-
continent described by scholars as ‘a culture contact region par
excellence’. Indeed, over the centuries, it has assimilated and
absorbed cultural traits from both these directions and it continues to
do so even today.

In a brief but comprehensive overview of Maharashtra, this book gives
deep insight into the history, politics and economy of the state, as also its culture with its nuances, the literature, characteristics of its people and their temperament. In a lucid narration, the author has
successfully tried to palace this Western state in a broader Indian



1. Introduction
2. Physical Features, Flora and Fauna
3. Intermingling of Races and Cultures
4. Antiquity
5. Shivaji - The Spark of Freedom
6. Renaissance and the Social Reform Movement
7. 1857 and Maharashtra
8. Independence Movement
9. Makers of Modern Maharashtra
10. Political Scenario in Maharashtra Today
11. Economic Scenario in Maharashtra Today
12. Art and Culture
13. Places of Interest
14. Summing Up

