A Sanskrit Reader: Text, Vocabulary and Notes

A Sanskrit Reader: Text, Vocabulary and Notes

Product ID: 22356

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Author: Charles Rockwell Lanman
Publisher: Motilal Banarsidass
Year: 2007
Language: multilingual
Pages: 405
ISBN/UPC (if available): 9788120813632


The design of A Sanskrit Reader is twofold. In the first place, it is to serve as an introduction to the subject for the students of colleges and universities.

This Reader is designed, in the second place, to render knowledge of Sanskrit accessible to the classical teachers of high-schools, academies, and colleges.

Besides, it is intended to help correct some of the false notions respecting the relations of Sanskrit to other languages of the Indo-European family, and to save the literature from undue depreciation and from exaggerated praise.

In making selection from the various Sanskrit writings, the author had two practical aims in view: first, to provide abundant material for thorough drill in the language of the classical period; and, secondly, to furnish a brief introduction to the works of the Vedic period, Mantra, Brahmana and Sutra.

Among the Vedic hymns (or Mantra-material) are, some of the easiest: then some taken on account of their poetic or dramatic merit, or their ethical interest; and finally, some taken because of their historical importance. For the most part, a repetition of the hymns given by Delbrueck and by Boehtlingk in their Chrestomathies has been avoided. The Brahmana pieces are chosen in such a way as to show the relation of this kind of literature to the hymns or Mantras." (Jacket)



Introductory suggestions

1. From the Maha-Bharata.

2. From the Hitopadeca.

3. From the Katha-Sart-Sagara.

4. From the Manava-Dharmacastra.

5. From the Rigveda.

6. From the Maitrayani.

7. Other Brahmana-pieces.

8. From the Grihya-Sutras.


Explanations and abbreviations.

List of abbreviations.
