The Essence of Superfine Gold - A Guide of the Paths to Enlightenment

The Essence of Superfine Gold - A Guide of the Paths to Enlightenment

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Author: The Third Dalai Lama
Translator(s)/ Edito: Dr. Chok Tensin Monlam
Publisher: Library of Tibetan Works & Archives
Year: 2007
Language: multilingual
Pages: 137
ISBN/UPC (if available): 8186470603


The Essence of Superfine Gold is the most famous literary compostion of the Third Dalai Lama (1543-1588). It is a condensed but comprehensive commentary on Je Tsongkhapa’s (1357-1419) A Song of Experience which is the seminal guide on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment of the Beings of Three Capacities. Although brief, this text summarizes the tree principal paths of the teachings of the Shakyamuni Buddha.

Also included in this volume is Je Tsongkhapa’s A Song of Experience, puls a brief biography of the Third Dalai Lama and the relevant Tibetan texts for both teachings.

Before receiving his doctrate in Buddhist Studies at the University of Delhi, India, Dr. Chok Tenzin Monlam was awarded the Uma Rabjampa (a Master in Buddhist Philosophy) from the Institute of Buddhist Dialectics, Dharamsala, India. At present he is heading the Research and Translation Department at the Library of Tibetan Works and Archives, Dharamsala.


Translator’s Note
A Brief Biography of the Third Dalai Lama
A Song of Experience
Prologue to the Essence of Superfine Gold
The Authenticity and Excellence of the Lamrim
The Greatness of the Instructions of the Lamrim
How to Listen to and Explain the Teachings
How to Rely on the Spiritual Teacher
Training the Mind after Reliance
upon the Spiritual Teacher
How to Extract the Essence of this Life of Leisure
and Endowment
Training in the Path Shared with Beings of Lesser Capacity
Training in the Path Shared with Beings
Of Medium Capacity
Training in the Path of a Being of Greater Capacity
Training in the Practices of Engaging Bodhicitta
How to Specifically Train in the Last Two Perfections
How to specifically Train in the Vajrayana

Relevant Tibetan Texts