Materia Medica of Ayurveda - Based on Madanapala's Nighantu

Materia Medica of Ayurveda - Based on Madanapala's Nighantu

Product ID: 19752

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Author: Vaidya Bhagwan Dash
Publisher: B Jain Pub.
Year: 2008
Language: English
Pages: 780
ISBN/UPC (if available): 8170214939


Madanapala introduced many new drugs such as opium, bhanga, jayapala, kumari, parasika yavani, methika, cauhara, sulemani kharjura, seva, amrtaphala, anjira, kundalika, pheni etc. and also described the properties of human urine and established the concept of bala catustaya. Thus, in every respect, it constructed the base and paved the way for the Bhavaprakasa nighantu which dominated the field for centuries and is the most popular text of dravya guna even today.

It is heartening to note that such a nighantu text of historical importance has been handled for new edition with English translation by Vaidya Bhagwan Dash, a scholar and writer of international repute, who has made every effort to effect improvements in order to make it more intelligible and popular.

Over 500 ingredients which are used in medicine, food and drinks and which include vegetable products, animal products, metals, minerals, gems and jewels are described in this work.






1. Abhayadi Varga
2. Sunthyadi Varga
3. Karpuradi Varga
4. Suvarnadi Varga
5. Vatadi Varga
6. Phala Varga (Fruits)
7. Saka Varga (Vegetables)
8. Paniyadi Varga (Drinks)
9. Iksukadi Varga
10. Dhanya Varga
11. Dhanyakrtannadi Varga (Food Preparations)
12. Mamsa Varga
13. Misraka Varga