Resisting the Status Quo: Transforming Soceity

Resisting the Status Quo: Transforming Soceity

Product ID: 18893

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Author: Ambrose Pinto
Editor(s): Ambrose Pinto
Publisher: Indian Social Institute
Year: 2000
Language: English
Pages: 184
ISBN/UPC (if available): 8187218290


How do we resist the status quo and work for the transformation of the social system? The country is faced with two major challenges-globalization of the economy and cultural fascism. Both are oppressive ideologies. The centralized, consumerist, market-oriented, capital driven model of development while has proved beneficial to a few transnationals and multinationals, has been catastrophic for the poor.

The need is to replace it with a participative and community centered model that benefits all, specially the poor. At the cultural level, attempts are made to define the country’s unity in uniformity. Large number of different social groups and divergent communities have been told that they must take on to one culture, one people and one nationality. The attack is on India’s plural heritage and composite culture.

The need today is to organize people. We need to educate, organize and act in the larger interests and values of humanity. We cannot allow populations of women, tribals, dalits and minorities to be further pauperized. The evolving alliance between workers, professionals and members of the civil society all over the world is crucial for change. On the kind of global alliance and networks will depend the kind of social change. Organisation is the key for an alternate and plural model of development.



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