The Yoga Story -  Color+ Illustrations

The Yoga Story - Color+ Illustrations

Product ID: 18242

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Author: Srimathy Gopalaksrishnan
Illustrator: C Diwakar / V Ramesh
Publisher: Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram
Year: 2000
Language: English
Pages: 20
ISBN/UPC (if available): 8187847018



In ancient times, yoga was introduced very early to children, firstly by their own parents, and then by their teacher. This helped them lead a healthier life and also helped sharpen their memory to aide in education. It was a part of everyday lifestyle for them that continued even when hey grew up.

Today yoga finds an exalted position in the minds of people all over he world. It is now looked upon as an important discipline that helps in enhancing health, preventing and coming out of illness and helping in facing modern life challenges. The earlier yoga is introduced the better the benefits.

In the early part of the twentieth century Sri T Krishnamacharya, the greatest yoga master of the last century, started teaching young children at the Mysore palace. These classes would lay the foundation for the renaissance of yoga and its introduction to the modern world. A few of the students who attended these classes with Sri T Krishnamacharya have now become eminent yoga masters of today’s times.