Experiencing One-World

Experiencing One-World

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Author: Nataraja Guru
Publisher: D K Printworld
Year: 1996
Language: English
Pages: 396
ISBN/UPC (if available): 8124600708


Is One World a Utopian ideal? Or just a dream in a world which today, more than ever before, stays riven by parochial, deep-rooted barriers: nationalistic, ethnic, religious, linguistic and many other, leave alone a whole diversity of divisive isms ? An eminent exponent of Vedantic philosophy here examines this question afresh to suggest that the one-world dream could become a reality, if Man only learnt to cultivate the unitive vision.

Essentially a vital part of Nataraja Guru’s globally wide educational programme, Experiencing One-World seeks to evolve one-world consciousness that tunes Man to look beyond the trees to stars, to turn on his mind to world fraternity, and to discern the language of audiovisual arts and the charm of poetry — as, for instance, is manifest in the world of architecture and music.

Spelling out Nataraja Guru’s view of One-World that embraces his long-contemplated perspectives on one-world government, one-world economics, world education, one religion, unified sciences and a language of unified sciences, the book highlights the specialties of well-groomed unitive consciousness of a world citizen, who wishes not only to restructure the existing scheme of things, but also to see mankind live a better life — and with dignity.



Part I
Memorandum on World Government
1. Preamble
Humanity is One
Human Nature, Good and Bad at Once
A New Yet Time-Honoured Approach
The Science of Dialectics
The Geo-Dialectical Method
Anomalies, Absurdities and Dangers of the Mechanistic Approach
The Zero Hour for the Declaration of a World Government is Past
2. Genesis
The World Government is an Accomplished Fact
The Validity of the World Government is not Questionable
Confirmation of the World Government
3. Other Partical Approaches
All Approaches Hitherto are Either Negative or Relativistic
Private, Partial or Party Organizations with World Programmes
4. Unique and Positive Qualities
What the World Government is not
Based on a Solemn Pact
The World Government must Govern its Subjects Actively or Positively
Positive Pressure and Vertical Ascent
5. Active Programme
What the World Government Actually Proposes to do
Political Programmes can be Made Effective from Inside or Outside, from Above or Below, the Present Formation
How to Practise World Politics from Inside
The Practice of World Politics from Above
The Practice of World Politics from Below
The Overall Functioning of the World Government
The Issuance of World Passports
Proclamation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
To Have a World Committee
6. Jurisdiction, Revenue, Resources, etc.
Territorial Jurisdiction
7. World Law
Global Structural Perspective
8. Conclusion
Unitive Approach
Various Incidental Items
Decentralization and the Cancelling Out of Problems
New States
Need for Sacrifice on the Part of World Government Sponsors

Part II
One-World Economics
9. Introduction
Vague Theories and Questionable Practices
Statistics and Scarcity Economics
Laissez Faire
An Absolutist Approach Required
Voices in the Wilderness
The Normative Frame of Reference in Kalidasa
10. Gold in Wisdom’s Language
In Matter-of-Fact Language
The Dragon of Finance
Normative Principle of Possession
World Credit System’s Need of a Godlen Rule
Spirituality and Gold-Value
Wisdom From Myth and Fable
The two Worlds of Gold
Lack of Wisdom About Gold in Economic Statistics
The Best use of Gold
Gold and Goodness Interchangeable
A Simple Economic Situation
11. Towards a One-World Economics
Nature of Economics
The Fragmentary, Closed or Static Approach Prevailing
Scope and Limits of Economics
Possible Worlds of Value
>From the Gold Rush to Das Capital
Non-Mercantilist Notion of Wealth
It is Time to Lament for Economics
The Mechanistic Approach to the Vital Problem
Lack of Yardstick for Economic Measurement
Value, Wealth and Money
The Economic Value of Man
Man is the Veritable Measuring Rod
Bags and Crags Have the Same Effect on Rags’
The Limits of Free Enterprise
The Double Reference of the Economic Man
The Economic Man at the Crossroads
Private and Public Happiness
The Uncertainty in Economics
Factors of Malaise and Disequilibrium
The World of Abundance
Happiness of All and General Happiness
The Ascending Pyramid of Opulence or Credit
The Moral Aspect of Creating Credit
The British Prime Minister’s Conscience
World Economics is More Than a Treasure Hunt
A Unitive and Normative Approach
Quesnay’s Tableau Further Scrutinized
The Notion of Value in Economics
The Complex Net-Work of Possible Human Values
Protolinguism to the Rescue
How to Build Up a Normative Notion for Economics
‘Immature’ Countries Have to Make up their Minds
The Cross-Roads Indicated by Rousseau and Voltaire
Wealth is not Money nor Poverty Merely Pennylessness
Economics is Value-Wisdom
Economics is for Man
Poverty and Unhappiness are not Directly Proportionate
The Relation-Relata Complex of an Economic Norm
The Use of Proto and Meta-Linguistics in Economics
The Four Limbs of an Economic Situation
The Emergence of Absolute Surplus Value with Marx
Hegelian Absolutism Implicit in Marxist Economic Theory
The Fall of the Absolute
Phenomenological Implications of an Absolutist Outlook
Circulation of Value on a Phenomenological Basis
Proto-Linguistic Terminology
Vertical and Horizontal Values and Their Circulation
Outline Features of an Economic Norm
The Pure and Practical Aspects of Value Have to be Distinguished
12. Proto-Linguistics Applied to Economics

Part III
One-world Education
13. Introduction
One-Sided Approach
The Tragic Paradox
Four Stages of Education
Education as a Bipolar Process
14. World Education Manifesto
The Bipolar Relation
The Personal Factor and World Happiness
Division 1: General
The Need for a New Manifesto
The Contradiction at the Core of the Problem Itself
Modern Educational Endeavour
UNESCO Again - The New Education Movement
Mistrust in the Father of Modern Education
Developments in Europe After Rousseau
Impersonal Public Standards in Education
The Declaration of Geneva
Rousseau, More than a Mere Modern Thinker or Educator
The Dialectical Idiom of Rousseau
The J.J. Rousseau Institute
Fresh Breezes from the East
Rousseau’s Absolutist Concept of Nature
Rousseau and Social Education
Rousseau’s Negative Education
The Echo of Time-honoured Indian Concepts
Rousseau and Gurukula Education
Importance of Correct Notions About Educand
Division 2: The Personal Factor: A Synthetic Perspective
The Personal Factor as a Distinct and Central Concept
Personal Factor a Reality, though Approach is by Way of an Abstraction
The Intuitive Approach
Concentric, Central or Peripheral Grades of Reality
A Schematic Representation of the Personal Factor in Order
The Personal Factor, an Organism in the Process of Creative Evolution
The Method of Correlation by Two Axes Cutting at Right Angels
The Personal Factor as a Unit in Psychic Life
The Zone of Physical Functioning Typified by the Heart-Beat
Reconstruction of the Personality in Education
The Structure of Thought-Processes
Analytico-Synthetic Scrutiny
The Component Elements of the Core of Consciousness
Unity of Ends and Means
Division 1: Content of Education
>From Simple Sensations to High Human Values
Vertical and Horizontal Worlds of Values
The Basic Conflict and Unitive Treatment of Life Values
The Law of Polarity or Ambivalence
Education Consists of a Series of Equations to Interests
The Content of Postitive Education
The Onlooker the Best Educator, Even in Positive Education
Educability of the Educand Need not be Doubted
The Dialectical Approach to Work-a-day Programmes in Education
Division 2: The Personal Factor: Analytical Perspective
Psycho-Statics and Psycho-Dynamics Treated Unitively
A Common Methodology and Epistemology for all Sciences
Revolt from Pragmatism - Atmosphere of Hesitancy
How the "Principle of the Better" Enters Psycho-Dynamics
Dichotomy Invades Even the Very Core of Consciousness
The Final Abolition of all Duality in Pure Consciousness
The Dialectical Approach Superior to the Merely Rational
The Case for Integral Education or ‘‘Man as a Whole’’
The Four Zones or Grades of Personal Consciousness
The Rousseau-Emile Relation
Four Stages, Four Kinds and Four Patterns of Behaviour Involved in Education
Negativism in Education, a Regulating Principle Throughout
Naturalistic Education
Pragmatic Education
Later Idealism in Education
Idealistic Diagnostics - Mass Re-Education
Sex Variations and Education
Four Patterns of Behaviour with Corresponding Institutional Opportunities
Characterology and Type Psychology
The Available Opportunities and Ready-Made Patterns of Behaviour
The High and the Low Roads

Part IV
Religion and Ethics
15. One Religion
Classification of Religious Groups
Further Differentiations
Scepticism and Belief
Underlying Structural Unity
16. Ethics Normalized
The Normative Notion

Part V
Unified Science
17. Integration of All Sciences
No Common Intellectual Formation
Unitive Approach Needed
The Science of Sciences
Descending Dialectics
Distinct Value Worlds
The Key to Integration
18. Integration of Elements of Thought in View of a Language of Unified Science
Division I : Observational
Broad Aspects of Thought and Corresponding Language
The Validity of a Language
The Archetypal Model of Linguistic Structure
Two Sets of Thought Elements Enter into Scientific Language
A Primitive Scientific Activity and its Linguistic Scheme
The Languages of Apodictic and Probable Certitudes in Science
A Central Normative Notion Necessary for Scientific Language
Introspective Observations for the Study of Linguistic Structure
Introspective Psycho-Physical Observations of Experimental Status
First Phase - Second Phase
Further Implications of the Psycho-Physical Linguistic Situation
Neutral Normative Appraisal of the Two Main Types of Linguistic Events
Division II : Experimental
Light on the Innate Structure of Thought from the EEG
Direct Evidence of a Psycho-Physical Axis Afforded between Aphasia and Apraxia
Evidence of Psycho-Pathology
Normalization of Pedagogic Thought
Recent Psycho-Pedagogic Evidence
Thought Structure Examind from the Psycho-Physical Standpoint
The Validity of Psycho-Physical Space
Integrated Norm of Thought Viewed Schematically
The Colour-Solid of Psycho-Physics as Model of Proto-Language
Normalization of Scientific Language
What Normalization can do to the Language of Science
How to Adapt the Structure of Colours to Linguistic Purposes
Division III : Theoretical Considerations
Other Equally Valid Schematic Representations
The Philosophical Basis of the Proto-Language
Proto-Linguistic Elements in Complex Numbers
Proto-Linguistic Structure Implicit in Syllogistic Form
Un-Normalized Use of the Schematic Proto-Language
Other Ways of Violating Normative Rules
Bergson’s Schematic Language of a Changing Reality
The Light of Scientific Linguistics on Prime or Proto-Language
The Difference Between Proto-and Meta-Language Aspects
Division IV: Logistic to Dialectic
The Attitude of Logical Empiricists
The Inter-Physical and Trans-Subjective Structure of Language
Terminological Hierarchies in Language
The Enigma of the Difference Between Earlier and Later Wittgenstein
Pure Mathermatics and Dialectical Reasoning Fitted into the Scheme
Ethics, Aesthetics and Mysticism Understood in Relation to the Scheme
The Ordinary Language Plea and its Natural Norm
The Decline and Fall of the Absolute
The Prime Nuclear Pattern of Integrated Thought
The Over-all Pattern and the Nuclear Structure
The Over-all Structure Applicable to Linguistic Levels
Proto-Linguistic and Meta-Linguistic Levels in Scientific Language
Horizontal Implications of Scientific Language
Misplaced Enthusiasm for a Scientific Language
Division V: Retrospect; Present Position; Concrete Suggestions
Main Findings
Normalization Calls for Cooperative Effort
Inevitability of a Certain Vagueness in the Study
Vertico-Horizontal Mapping of Word Systems
Review of Recent Efforts