Author: Akhtarul Wasey
Publisher: Global Media
Year: 2005
Language: English
Pages: 123
ISBN/UPC (if available): 8188869104
The author says that the public mind continues to harbour the prejudice regarding madrasas because the English lanuage media continues its anti-madrasa tirade, the madrasa authorities are unable to challenge this propaganda mainly because they are not well versed in English. The defence of madrasa is only offered by Urdu press which being Muslim owned does not carry weight with public opinion at large especially becae they do not deal with issues of broader interests and publish material related to islam and Muslim community only.
The book discusses at length various issues confronting the Indian madrasas, their contribution to the Indian society, their shortcomings and why the madrasas in India need to improve their syllabus that has not been updated for more than a century. The book also discusses the volley of attacks on madrasas in India, and tries to address the misgivings about madrasas by highlighting their contribution to the Indian society and the Indian freedom struggle.
The contributors include Yoginder Sikand, Adil Mehdi, Waris Mazhari, S Ubaidur Rahman and Mohammad Arshad. Akhtarul Wasey is dean faculty of Humanities and Languages in Jamia Millia Islamia University in New Delhi and director Zakir Husain Institue of Islamic Studies in the same University.
This work discusses the issues confronting the Indian society, their shortcomings and why the madrasas in India need to improve the syllabus.
-Deccan Herald
1-Introduction By Akhtarul Wasey
2-Tradition of Madrasa Education By Mohd Arshad
3-Reforming Madrasa curriculum By Waris Mazhari
4-Indian Madrasas and the Allegations of Links with Terrorism By Adil Mehdi
5-The Hindutva Jehad Against Madrasas By Meena Kandasamy
6-Voices for Reform in the Indian Madrasas By Yoginder Sikand
7-Something must be done to reform Madrasa By S Ubaidur Rahman