The Commentary of Father Monserrate on His Journey to the Court of Akbar

The Commentary of Father Monserrate on His Journey to the Court of Akbar

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Author: J S Hoyland
Translator(s): J S Hoyland / S N Banerjee
Publisher: Asian Educational Services
Year: 2003
Language: English
Pages: 220
ISBN/UPC (if available): 8120608070


This Translation and Annotation of Father Monserrate’s Commentary on the first Jesuit Mission to Akbar owes everything to the careful editing of the Latin text carried through by Father H Hosten, S J, and Published in the Memoirs of the Asiatic Society of Bengal.

Father Hosten’s marginal notes and apparatus criticus have also proved of great value, and have been freely drawn upon. The annotator wishes to take this opportunity of expressing his thanks to Mr H Beveridge for his notes in the Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, which have been frequently consulted, and to Mr S Kumar, Superintendent of the Imperial Library, Calcutta, for help given in finding references.

The reader’s indulgence is craved for faults of translation and proof-correcting, some of which have come to notice too late for correction.

It should be mentioned that in preparing the translation proper names have, in almost every case, been left in the form in which Father Monserrate wrote them. Exceptions are certain familiar and frequently recurring names, e. g., Rudolf and Muhammad, which appear somewhat strange in their Latin form. Father Monserrate, by the way, is by no means consistent in his spelling of proper names, the same name often appearing in various guises on a single page of the Commentary.


Editor’s Introduction

Author’s Introduction


Text of Commentary

Appendix (Father Monserrate’s account of Jenghiz Khan, Timur, etc)
