Author: V N Jha
Publisher: Sri Satguru Publications
Year: 1993
Language: English
Pages: 226
ISBN/UPC (if available): 8170303605
The present volume contains twenty two papers on various aspects of Indian Poetics written by prominent specialists in the field. These papers were presented and discussed in the National Seminar in Indian Poetics organized by the Department of English, University of Poona. Some have adopted interdisciplinary approach and have tried to compare and contrast some of the ancient Indian concepts of Poetics with those of the western ones, while some other articles aim at presenting an authentic picture of some of the aspects of Alankarasastra while some author have tried to highlight the main issues, other have tried to suggest their relevance to modern literary criticism and some have laid down the actual underlying philosophical frame-work on which the entire edifice of Indian poetics is built.
On the one hand there are articles on some of the components such as guna, dosa, and alankara, on the other there are papers on theories of poetic communication, while some articles deal with peculiar functions of poetic language like laksana and Vyanjana, others deal with the process of aesthetic experience of beauty. The development of Indian poetics has made use of the framework of Indian Philosophy and this too has been presented in one article. That an art experience is neither a perception of actual silver nor an illusion like the perception of silver in a conchshell, rather it is an experience of the painting of actual silver has also been discussed in one article.
1. Impact of Indian Philosophy on Indian Poetics
2. Indian Poetics and Literary Stylistics: Bharata’s Concept of Laksana
3. Some Reflections on the Rasa-theory
4. The Object-emotion Relationship in India and Western Literary Theories
5. The Rasa-theory and the Khyatis
6. Bhavabhuti’s View on Pathetic Sentiment
7. Dhavanyaloka and Linguistic Approach to Literature
8. The Theory of Communication: An India View-Point
9. Definition of Poetry intended by Mammata
10. Laksana as a Linguistic Function and as a source of Poetic Beauty
11. The Interplay of Laksana and Laksana mula Vyanjana
12. Vyanjana as Reflected in the Formal Structure of Languages
13. Aprastuta-prasamsa and Vyajastuti: Is the Prastuta ‘relevant’ conveyed by Vyanjana or Laksana?
14. The Merits and Demerits of Kavya According to Bhamaha and Dandin
15. The Concept of Gunas as presented by Panditaraja Jagannatha in his Rasagangadhara
16. Unwritten Sanskrit Poetics
17. Concept of Polishing’ in Sankrit Poetics vis-à-vis Western stylistics
18. Author-Reader Relationship in Literature
19. Indian poetics as a New Dimension of Comparative Literature: Its Potential, Possibilities and Pitfalls
20. Implications of the Concept of Aucitya
21. Adbhuta in the Denouement of Drama
22. Poetics of Hindi Prose-A Study of an Essay in Method and Principles