Role of Space Time in Jaina's Syadavada & Quantum Theory

Role of Space Time in Jaina's Syadavada & Quantum Theory

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Author: Filita Bharucha
Publisher: Sri Satguru Publications
Year: 1993
Language: English
Pages: 77
ISBN/UPC (if available): 8170303842


The book presents the view of the Einstein Theory regarding the unification of space-time and its role of the Jainsim in perceptive of the modern age and also shows that the quantum theory which has to be of further advancement in view of the logical operations which created an empirical new standpoint of the world.

In fact the book discusses how the Eastern and Western thoughts of space and time which is simultaneously playing part in the contemporary world.



1. Advent of Space-Time

2. Jaina’s View of Reality as Modern Thoughts of Space and Time

3. Role of Quantum Theory in Deviant Logic

4. Role of Universals, Thought Experiments: Reductio ad Absurdum

5. General Theories of Space-Time

6. Logico-Spatio-Temporal Space

7. Bibliography